Friday, January 4, 2008

Ahhhhh, my last day of vacation...

Last night I was nearly having a panic because all of these things kept running through my mind that were all important, that all had to be done, and I was so worried I'd forget made a list :) Pick up paycheck, get $ from Ela & Becky, Mail $ to Toni, Pack Xmas gifts for Mom & Cassie, Mail internship appraisal to Weeden, Mail Xmas cards, Mail braces estimate, Aubrey 11:00, take dead fish back, buy new fish, buy crickets, find missing Carl Cole card, chasi notes and to do list, pick out paint colors for family room, buy the paint, check stock of paint supplies, call about entertainment unit, pu United Way packet, go to bank, pick up truck, go to Sopora, Steph to babysitting, finish cheer dog, there that ought to about do it! So...that's the Friday list. I will feel SOOOOO much better when all of that is off my plate! So far today, I have picked out the paint colors and it's 11:00! Wow so much accomplished! JK...I am definitely a 2nd shift person. After I got the kids off to school this morning...I surely passed out for a nap. Now, I feel ready to take on the list! So, here are the new paint colors...
I will paint one wall of the stairway, the entryway, and the upper part of the family room the khaki color...the fireplace all and the bottom half of the family room will be the brown...hopefully completed pics will be on line by Sunday night! But for girl just arrived, and must have my undivided attention :) :) :) Until next time...


Krishana said...

If you'd like, I would love to help you paint on Sunday. Since you are soooo awesome, you have baby girl 7ish to 245ish. We could paint then. Just let me know so I can bring something besides my scrubs. Also, think of some cute ideas for your page in Aubrey's book. Nae and I put pics and wrote her a message.

Jacque said...

Yes, painting help is always desired :)

Gabe's Mom said...

So cute!