Friday, March 7, 2008


It seems that this week my list is almost as long as it is during Christmas time. There is so much to be done...file the FAFSA, clean out closets & drawers, catch up the laundry, get ready for softball, prepare my scraproom for organization, begin to work on my room, plan scrap night event, get new furniture for Stephanie, do homework for my class starting next week, and plan our Christmas Vacation to Hawaii. Sarah is coming over this weekend to help me organize my scrap space. I need to get the closet in the guest room cleaned out and then I would like to paint one wall and the close Loden Green. So, hopefully can do that tomorrow. We have softball registration (hard to believe) and Stephanie has a full day dress rehearsal for the musical.

Yesterday Kristina went for her Ortho appointment, where they took all of her impressions and Xrays. They said they will send us a packet with scheduled dates, but it looks like she should be all wired up within the next two weeks.

I left work sick yesterday and slept really most of the day. I had intended to go to a class last night but after eating dinner, my stomach was not agreeable again, so I thought it best to go to bed. I am so grateful to be feeling 100% today AND to have no school tonight.

Looks like a busy weekend ahead...also on the goal list is to get the photos posted on this crazy blog...

Until next time...

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