Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Ruchus Revealed...

It is a rare occasion when I can actually get the Ruchus that is my home captured on video...but this one...well lets just say it's a classic. One for sure to be played at my big girl's wedding or perhaps at her reception for receiving the Nobel peace prize. First of all I have to add that my house remains in a general state of disarray. We've just come to accept it. HOWEVER...note the dining room table in the foreground, cuz here's the thing....I JUST CLEANED IT OFF THE DAY BEFORE!!! REALLY!!! NO LIE!!! Where does all that stuff come from and how does it accumulate so quickly on every flat surface of my house? Someday I''m going to have a house with only vertical surfaces so there is nowhere to sit, lay, forget about, throw, or generally discard anything. Hey, maybe I'd win the Nobel peace prize for that one, eh? Well, without further ado...let me share with you all things Ruchus...

No persons were intentionally harmed in the making of this son can't really tolerate a lot of Ruchus, and sadly he was born into a family with an abundance of it. During the last chorus and grand finale of this performance, he accidentally on purpose tripped his superstar sister at which point a large crash ensued and much much laughter. Sad but true...thereby ending the performance for the night.


Catherine said...

I'll give you the Nobel Jacque! I would like to 'trap' every flat part and furniture of MY house too.
All these empty glasses I find on every table, desk, shelf, floor!, even electris heater!
Pleeaase, if you find a solution to our problem, share with me, for the love of Moms!

Anonymous said...

Too funny! Our house looks the same way the morning after I clean. Sigh...