Saturday, September 5, 2009

We interrupt this autumn to schedule a few more events...

My calendar overfloweth...literaly. I am convinced I cannot schedule one more thing without consulting my calendar. How did it get so full? The terrific part of my calendar is that besides being full with two jobs, three teenagers, a master's program, and being on the school board, it's also filled with A LOT of upcoming fun things. seems the majority of fun things all want to happen on the same weekend. How can it be? Obtober 10th and 11th seems to be the weekend for all things awesome to be happening. I'm already booked to be at a scrap book retreat that weekend that I am SO excited about. I went to the same retreat last year on the river at a bed n breakfast, but it was January and it was ungodly cold. I am so looking forward to unloading all my goodies in the crisp fall air, not the subzero January air. The problem with that niece goes back to work that weekend, so I'm scheduled to care for my two great favorite craft show of the entire world is that big girl THOUGHT she was having her birthday party that weekend, Miley Cyrus concert is that weekend, Taylor Swift concert is that weekend...and...well, I'm not sure what many things can happen in one weekend? So's what I have managed to accomodate...I will go to the scrap retreat, but sleep at home...I will take a 4 hour break to hurry through the best craft show of all big girl will care for my oldest great niece and I will take the baby with me for lots of extra attention from crazy scrapbooking women! The big girl will take the oldest great niece to the apple orchard (oh yeah, forgot to mention we had planned that the same weekend) for her pony ride...and perhaps somewhere in between the madness, I'll get some scrapbooking done.

We have determined that my husband's 30th reunion is the same weekend as homecoming...more finagling there...and I'm assuming my birthday and the big girl's birthday will be the same weeekend as our family reunion. Is there some kind of cloning machine I can use...just for the month of October? Anyone?

1 comment:

Grammie said...

Looking forward to the wenie roast in October and the birthday celebrations and a cheese sandwich in Monroe WI and the fall colors. Airline reservations are made, so please save lots of time for the family from 10/21 to 10/27!
luv you, yo mama