Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Tis the season...again! There are a whole lot of balls in our house that are holding great significance at this time...

First...let me introduce you to this little darling:

This specimen can often be found at the receiving end of the precious one's foot right into the goal! I coached soccer many moons ago and when it was time for the precious one to play, in true fashion she put those little hands on her hips and pronounced, "I don't want to play soccer. I want to play softball with my friend Caroline!" And so it began; summer ball that is. After several years of the rec leagues she tried out for high school ball. After many days of conditioning and tryouts, the precious one was cut from the high school soft ball team and ended up playing soccer by default...and is really quite good at it. I do love to watch her play soccer :)

Then, there is this...

The precious one is also quite fond of this and plays tennis...in the fall. Spring tennis is for boys and the sonshine loves nothing more than tennis. No referees, no team, just him, the ball, and the opponent. His kind of sport. AND I love to watch him play tennis :)

Finally, there's this...

And summer just isn't the same without it. Many girls on the precious one's team have been together for 7 years. Fast pitch softball is summer to me. I have sat at the ball diamond doing homework many summers, 7 summers to be exact, but I was there. This year, as I am done with school in two short weeks...there will be no homework for me! But there will be summer ball. I can't wait!

Baaaaaaaaaalls in! Let the games begin!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have lots of little white balls around the house since the girls started taking golf lessons. The good thing is they haven't tried to play in the house yet.