Over here at the Ruchus, it's been one fiasco after another. First the virus, then the antivirus that removed the internet drivers, then the repair shop (my wonderful brother), then of all things...in the absence of my computer I had put away my camera usb cable so as not to lose it while I wasn't using it and...you know what happens next...I LOST IT!! So, I finally have a beautiful camera, a fixed computer, a thousand pictures and no way to share them. What's a picture if you keep it to yourself I ask? Well, today I could take it no more! I just happened to be at Target and thought to myself..."Self, today is the day you find a stinkin new cord for your camera!" So, I was looking all over for a cord, none of which was to be found of course, but then I stumbled upon this...
Now, I for sure didn't know what it was, but it seemed like I could use it to transfer pictures without a cord and by the way it was only $5 so really, what did I have to lose? Can I just say that I am happier than a pig in mud? So happy in fact that I scrubbed my kitchen floor on my hands and knees with spic and span tonight? I'm not really sure what being happy has to do with me scrubbing the floor, but let's just say that floor hasn't seen hands and knees and far too long! I was downloading pictures, scrubbed some of the floor, edited some pictures, scrubbed some more floor...you get the picture (boo hiss, bad pun I know) However...I am now fully able to share such pictures with you such as this...

Or this...my new beautiful baby great-niece Ashlyn...oooooohhhhh is she sweet. She's already become quite accustomed to the flash of my camera ;)
Then of course there's this...
And then finally there's this...
A-N-Y-W-A-Y....my point is...if you don't own one of those whos-a-ma-jig-its...and you want a super convenient way to transfer your pictures...get yourself one of those! It's the best $5 you'll ever spend! Until next time...
I think I need one of those. I still cannot transfer photos!
Ooops! Nearly forgot...
The photo is beautiful. I hope your daughter had fun at the dance.
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