It's been a busy two weeks here at the Ruchus. Last week I spent 5 count them 5 days in Chicago. For me, that's about 4 too many ;) The first two days were at the Illinois State Board of Education Non Public School Conference. Because I love the people I work with and they were was ok. I learned a lot: that's a plus! The last 3 days were at the Illinois Association of School Boards conference where I also learned a lot.
There are 85 thoughts I want to put down here that are all in a jumbled mess, so let me be brief..
There are 85 thoughts I want to put down here that are all in a jumbled mess, so let me be brief..
~My very first career goal was to be an attorney. I went to beauty school instead. (Similar I know)
~I soon will have two Master's Degrees and really do not anticipate going to school any more.
~I am fascinated with Special Education Law and cannot tolerate when children's rights are violated
~If I ever get another degree...perhaps it will be a law degree.
Pretty concise huh? OK, what does this have to do with Thanksgiving? Nothing really, I just had to say it. L-A-W Degree...maybe? Who knows. How the heck long does that take anyway? Sheesh, I'll be 108 and still in school at this rate.
Anyway...a definite plus to the weekend was the fact that the Holiday-miracle mile kick off parade was happening while we were there...
Mickey Mouse was the king of ceremonies...
Chip and Dale were there...along with many other Disney folks...
I loved the big tethered balloons. It was the first time I had ever seen these and I especially loved to watch them bump into things ;)
The parade was followed by fireworks...
My sonshine has Autism and a pretty healthy dose of sensory integration dysfunction to go along with it. What that means to the lay person is that he HATES fireworks. In fact, I am most certain this has been the first time in his life he has seen them, not from a building or a car and without earplugs. I mostly stood and watched him and not the fireworks. Finally the lights and the smell, and the sound got the best of him. He sat down in the middle of the enormous Chicago crowd and took a break.
He is the reason why I am such an advocate for kids. He has been such an inspiration to me as I find myself learning constantly from him. I find kids with Autism to just be amazing and awe inspiring.
After a busy weekend, we headed home and Sunday afternoon I was in the 'Light the Parks' Parade. I was so thrilled to have my little friends be able to join me...
Can you even believe how big Zoe and Jason are getting?!? Check out the picture of them over yonder on the left side of my blog...Amazing! Anyway, I had not seen them in so so long, so it was a great time having them with me. We rode on a school bus...
and threw candy out to all the kids that were lined up to watch the parade. Jason yelled "Happy Hanukkah!" at the top of his lungs (and no he's not Jewish) 
While Zoe tried to ensure that every child got a piece of candy. We had so much fun...and I was SOOOOOO pooped by the time the weekend was over!
Finally...on to Thanksgiving...True to form I took several before and during pictures of the turkey...
but no after's becoming a regular tradition around these parts.
We brought back an old tradition...
Fudge stripe turkey cookies. My Gramma Bee used to make these when we had Thanksgiving at her house...It was nice to have a part of her with us :) We had Aunt Ruth's Cheese ball and Uncle Leo's prayer..."Good Food, Good People, Good God, Amen"
Those are some big shoes to fill precious girl!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Dear Jacque,We had Thanksgiving at my house and Kelly, Jeanette, and Craig-Patrick came from Vegas where they live now. It was quite enjoyable. (Kerry was supposed to come down from Big Bear but got snowed in). Brandon did not have any panic attacks all weekend. Do you think he might have what Brennen does? He can't seem to handle alot of things right now. Wish I could have a long talk with you. He is on a tranquilizer;clonazapam, I think, that he takes at bedtime. He still is only able to drive short distances. He gets overwhelmed by too much input, and has been like this since birth. I just thought he was sensitive. Kimberly is doing well, burning the candle at both ends. I am working on the blankets for the NICU that I make every year for the month of september for our dear babies and their parents. Thanks for the beautiful pix. Miss Mom and Dad sooooo much. Never got to have Thanksgiving with them.... Love Kim
Oops! I mean the month of December.Don't know if I told you Brandon was having panic attacks (since September). He is OCD(likes his ducks in row) and also phobic of heights and spiders.Costing alot of money to find out what is wrong. Might be related to brain radiation he had or not. Ruled out brain tumor and we think seizures are not happening. Love Kim
You are either brave or crazy to go to the Mag Mile Lights Festival. We take our girls downtown all the time and even we wouldn't venture there. It sounds like you all had fun, though.
Kim, I'll try to give you a call so we can catch up. I'll keep Brandon in my prayers.
It really wasn't too bad except for when we lost our minds and went to mcdonalds! We were right up front for the parade and fireworks so it was nice and the weather was awesome.
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