Summer ball ended last week. I was just a little teary on the way home. The precious one was quite put out by this, "Whyyyyyy are you crying?!?" she asked. I responded, it just chokes me up. I'm not sure why. (But really, inside, I am sure why, so let me tell you...) I SO look forward to the lazy days of summer, and no matter what's on the schedule I do my very best to be at those ball games to sit. Just to sit. Oh! And to cheer...LOUD! For my precious one.
She has played summer ball I think for 8 summers now. Summers that have been filled with me reading text books with one eye and watching the game with the other. I didn't have school this summer for the first time in four years so it was fabulous to just sit and watch. The precious one's team was one game out of first at the end of the regular season...then came the tournament. Five games in two days?!? That's my kind of summer ball! It just so happened that one of my amazing brothers who happens to be the owner of a kidney I loaned him about 9 years ago was in town. After being up at 3 AM to travel here, he still managed to sit through two games and show his support for the precious one.
He's amazing in more ways than one!
When all was said and done, summer ball ended and they came in second in the tournament. The undefeated team came in first.

Her team mates voted her most improved batter and she got a bat with all the girls signatures on it. Of course I cried! I'll just start listing the times I don't cry as that list would be much shorter ;) She had great coaches this year (The joyous ones coach from a few years ago) and that surely made a difference. It'll be a few weeks until fall ball starts but I , for one, will be ready!
Her team mates voted her most improved batter and she got a bat with all the girls signatures on it. Of course I cried! I'll just start listing the times I don't cry as that list would be much shorter ;) She had great coaches this year (The joyous ones coach from a few years ago) and that surely made a difference. It'll be a few weeks until fall ball starts but I , for one, will be ready!
We lucked out that it wasn't 100 over the weekend, but it sure has been hot. These days, affectionately known as the dog days of summer, are especially appreciated by one old dog I know...
Now that he's older (10) he really just enjoys laying around in the sun, only rambling in to get a drink when needed and of course to sleep in my bed when it's too hot outside!
I love the affordable and fresh fruit of summer...especially delicious blueberry waffles on a Sunday morning!
I love the birds and typically I love the yard work, although I haven't felt it much this year. We have been inundated with thistles for about 5 years now and it has caused me to experience weed pulling burn out! Even my lawn service couldn't get rid of them after 3 years, so I gave them the boot (The lawn service...not the thistles, well I would have liked to give the thistles the boot, but alas, it wasn't meant to be). Now, God is my gardener and I just enjoy the monarchs, yellow swallowtails, hummingbirds, and gold finches those darn thistles attract...
I'm not exactly sure my neighbors appreciate this natural type of attraction...but for now, I'm practicing appreciation and am holding on to summer with all my might.
Next week, I register all three of my precious babies for high school. Good Lord, get the kleenex ready!
Jacque, I'm having a hard enough time with one in high school. Can't imagine having all three there. :-)
I'm a crier too. Sometimes it's hard to explain to our girls why Mommy is crying. They are young, so it still makes them a bit edgy. A few years from now they wil say, "Mom's crying again" like it's old news.
My oldest one said the other day...this movie made me cry a river, so you'll cry two! Loved it!
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