Thursday, April 16, 2009

Everyone can't be like me...

I know you're going to be super jealous when I tell you of my plans today... laundry, homework, cooking dinner. Now, is that exciting or what?!? But here's the thing...for girls that usually have to do laundry, homework, and cooking dinner between 3 is a jobs! Only laundry, homework, and dinner....odd that I think that is a fabulous thing...but I do...and today I plan to enjoy it.

Tuesday I did homework when no one was home and I was simply amazed at the thought process that went on with no interruptions. Odd. Yesterday I went to Walmart in the middle of the day. There was no one pushing, no screaming kids, no crowded isles...just leisurely shopping. What a strange a lovely lifestyle I'm experiencing this week.

Spring's definitely for me baby!


Grammie said...

I am repeating my comment that I just posted on yesterday's blog to make sure you read it...

Oh my goodness...LOL! The funniest part about your story is when I read "Pot Bellie's," I wondered what kind of an establishment it was as I have only heard of "Pot Belly Pigs" and I think they run wild here in Arizona! Now, I am assuming it is a place like Subway? You'll have to introduce me to it in a couple weeks. I only hope that a different person is behind the you know what our "BIG Girl" says about her Grammie.."The only time she has seen her angry is when she gets poor service at a restaurant.." ;(

luv, yo mama

HeatherPride said...

I agree, spring break is awesome! I'll be between jobs as of next weekend so I'm planning on doing something fun!

But I have to say that I found it very hard to concentrate on your post with all these lovely cupcakes surrounding it....mmmmmmm