Yep I did it...I took the plunge...back to school. Wah? Who? What'd you say? You heard me right. Here's the thing...Two weeks after I started my new administrator quit. Since then, I've been doing most of that job...but I don't have the certificate. Let me just say that even though my job pays well...that job pays VERY well! So...I approached my boss, and she offered to pay for my classes, give me time at work to take them on line...and remain our administrator until my classes are done. Can I beat that with a stick? Ummmm nope! Back to school for me... let's catch up... I registered for my LSW comes the studying...and then I can begin as a PAID therapist as UIC. (imagine amazing internal smiling thoughts here)
The precious one got new black and white polka dotted glasses...
I can NOT believe how big she's getting...when did that happen and who said it was ok?

I had my pinning ceremony at my campus on Saturday...and have formal graduation this could say I was a wee bit excited!
My bestes friend Carlene who I met in grad school got a job in my fair city and is moving here...We think the exact opposite on most topics...but I love her for who she is...and she is amazing...
notice how she's looking at her camera and I'm looking at mine...that's just how we are...yet we're together and having a great time...

And finally...the prom dress is in the house...
When we went to pick it up, they had hemmed it unevenly, so they quickly rehemmed it and we came back in an hour and voila! Good to go. Prom is this Saturday...say a prayer for our schools that they stay open! We had a scare with a suspected case of N1H1, that thankfully came back negative, so schools remain open. Such an important time of year with prom and graduation...let's hope we make it through without a closure. Two districts near us are currently here's hoping.

I have a busy week again...teaching tomorrow night, school board on Wednesday, something on Thursday that I can't remember...and NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY!!! I love that! I am anticipating a rash of clean laundry at my house soon ;) Oh and by the way...I'm having an open house for my graduation on Sunday...May 17th...2 -5 at my place...hope you can join me for the big celebration!
How exciting is that? I think you will always be doing something to better your self and your family.
So very proud and excited for this weekend! I will be thinking of you:)
Congrats on the job and new challenges. :) You looked great at your graduation ceremony. I thought your hair looked FANTASTIC! I totally agree with you about Nina. I thought the same thing on Saturday! And then I thought that her and Aubrey are truly like Steph and I...10 years apart. Yea on the prom dress! We have one confirmed h1n1 case in Winnebago County and 3 in Boone, but still have 8 suspected in Winnebago. You know...out of like the 100 tests for influenza A done last week, only one was positive for h1n1. So...I think it is better than we think...for now. ;) I am not sure if I'll be able to make it on Sunday for the party. It depends on how much gets moved on Tuesday-Saturday but the big move is on Saturday. Hope all is well. :)
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