It has definitely been a busy week at the Ruchus...
My house was full of video game playing boys!
Note to self. Boys go to bed at 12:30---do not stay up all night giggling and they clean up their messes!! Who knew? For years I have endured the torture that is girly girl slumber parties...I was thinking this one would be more challenging. I was way off with that one! Bring on the boys anytime.

Saturday afternoon I had my graduation open house. It was so much fun...and yes I did not take one picture!! Crazy...must be a sure sign of a good time. No time to take pictures?
This afternoon the big girl had her spring concert. This is the last performance before her choir director retires. It was such a neat show, in that they reviewed the musicals they have done through out the years... and alumni came back to perform their parts; some from as early as 1976. It was a fabulous show...I have mentioned before that I love being a part of the community in which I grew up. In the alumni choir is our current band director, my big girl's 5th grade teacher, my precious one's choir director, my brother's math teacher, and one of the dance teachers at my big girl's former dance studio. Our youth pastor was in the audience and standing next to my daughter was the daughter of one of my best friends from high school. It's just an awesome is the alumni choir...
After the choir show, I headed home to whip up a quick pot of spaghetti to take over to my niece's house. She and her husband just moved into their new house this weekend. What a beautiful house they have and so much room! No matter how I tried, they just didn't seem to want to go back to their old apartment...go figure! ! The baby girl Aubrey loves her new house too...she can run and run and no one asks her to stop for fear of disturbing the neighbors.
Such a joyous time for them...Congratulations!
It's pretty late Sunday night...I have gotten the paper read, but of course haven't started the laundry yet. So...gotta run! Until next time...
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