I am not quite sure if I live in Costa Rica or if I've inadvertently moved to the Northwest. My feet are going to be webbed soon without a doubt if the rain doesn't quit and soon! Another rainy day today and 3 or 4 more forecast. Joy of joys! I believe it has rained everyday since my Mom got here. It has not, however, dampened our spirits or slowed us down in having fun! I think it is a world record for me having not blogged for 4 days! Yes I'm ok, no a sudden illness has not overtaken me, and to you my faithful readers I apologize for the absence. My favorite blogs are blogs that are updated at least once a day, and so I try to hold myself to that standard too. Fell a bit short this week, huh? :) We've dined out a lot, played some ball, shopped a bit, rested a bit, hugged a lot, talked a lot, and generally at this point, we all feel 'caught up'. That gives us 8 more days to enjoy Grammie's company. I spent a ton of time with my brother, sil, niece and great niece over the weekend. It reminded me of times when everyone lived here in town and we spent all weekend together and shared every meal together. No one is expected to go home, whoever's house we're at is home for the moment. It was really terrific. I was sad to see my brother head back to Wisconsin last night. I really oppose him living elsewhere, but that is where he found a good job. [drat!] As always, I have a picture review for you. I do NOT have ANY pictures of softball kick off, because yes, I forgot the camera...WHAT?!? Hard to believe I know and even I'm not sure how it happened. I didn't get to see the first game since hubby and I had a wedding at the same time. Nina lost 14-15. She plays again tonight and I CAN'T WAIT!!!
Aaaahhhhh summer! (Despite all the rain!) Anyway...photo review it is...

Baby Aubrey enjoyed some time with her nana & papa. Whenever they walk in the room she screams at the top of her lungs
"HI PAPA!!!"
She also got to spend lots of time with Grammie :) I commented on how 'unloved' this child is ;) It seems every time you turn around someone is hugging her, kissing her, or holding her. And she is such a joy! She is so well adjusted and so well behaved. She has great parents :) There is definitely no shortage of love for baby girl!
We celebrated Brennan's birthday with my side of the family and they put him up on a saddle to sing a wild Yeehaw! to celebrate.
After a bit, my sil showed my how sick she was of my brother's crazy antics...she had had it up to here! (All in good fun of course!) Speaking of rain...
I loved this picture of all the umbrellas stacked in the entry way at church. Kristina and I both adopted a flower garden to care for at church yesterday so that should be fun. She is very excited of course and can't wait to get hers planted! Mine looks quite good already (no thanks to me) and is pretty full so shouldn't need much care. (My kind of job :) Yesterday, for the few hours in which we had no rain...we all made it out to the airshow to see the USAF Thunderbirds. TOOOOOO COOOOOOL!
They were challenging to photograph since they move so fast, but incredibly fun to watch!
Awesome! We walked out from under an old B52 bomber to this view...
I was standing in the cargo hold at the time looking out. They had FREE (yes you heard me right) FREE rock climbing there. Kristina was a dither!
She made it all the way to the top, but not without the most severe wedgie of all time! After a few hours there, we headed home for another family dinner. Kristina was busy making an end of the year scrapbook for her teacher. It was too cute, and gee why didn't I take a picture? Your guess is as good as mine. We did get these
end of the year gifts for her teachers...(stole this idea from Sarah) -- Beach towels, sun screen and a magazine to kick off summer! It's my last year to buy teacher gifts, since my baby will be in middle school this fall. I am certain she will still want to take treats etc, (and probably gifts too) -- but usually this tradition ends at grade school which will be much nicer on my budget ;) Whew! Glad to be caught up with y'all! It's my kid's last day of school today, back to work for me, internship and then a softball game tonight (aka homework session). Aaaahhhhh....summer! Until next time...
1 comment:
Oh my goodness, look how big my niece is! WOW! Love you baby girl! And how long is that baby soft hair?! Can't wait to see all of you soon. Dad and I are working on getting Gabe and me out there for the holiday and his birthday. VERY EXCITING! I have the 2nd through the 6th off, so I hope to spend as much time there as possible. Now that Baby Aubrey is talking and walking, I'm sure Gabe and her will have more in common. YAY! Love you all and hope to see you soon.
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