Wow, do I have a lot of catching up to do! I feel I must have the week in review via know...a pic says a 1000 words?!? Sounds like a lot less typing to me...

First, little mama round 3. Yes, this is the third set of Robin babies that have been hatched in this nest on our downspout. It's like our own little nature channel all summer long!

Note the body language in this photo...can you tell my Dad's not a touchy/
feely kind a guy? On the left is my
SIL & my
bubba. (The kidney recipient) as they were preparing to take my big girl away for a week to the
Osh Kosh Fly in. Of course next in the photo is my big girl, my
hasbeen, and my Dad. & the big girl before her departure. It sure has been quiet around these parts without her!

This mess....SCRAP
NITE! It was so much fun and I got a lot done! I also spent very very little money while I was there...a miracle in and of itself.

These girls are my scrap club, minus 1 friend that couldn't make it. We had such a great time, and everyone got so much accomplished...

This girl...words cannot describe her...She is one of my
BFF's for sure. We used to work together and after she moved on to bigger and better things I was so afraid our friendship would dwindle. Dwindle it hasn't and even though I have been SO busy with school...we manage to schedule (yes schedule) time to see each other! She is such a breath of fresh air to me. We laugh about the same things, worry about the same things, and even after we haven't seen each other for a month...we can just pick up where we left off. I love that she has her own opinions and that she loves to tease me about whatever it is she thinks I'm a little 'over the top' about! (Although from the looks of the sparkly cards she made this weekend, perhaps I'm rubbing off on her!) God has blessed me with her :)

This is my little girl Rachel wait, I mean Kristina...She made dinner for us on Sunday...Goulash, Crusty bread and corn. Yum-my! As I was laying in bed
leisurely reading the paper as my dinner was being prepared I knew for sure...

life is good.
On that very same night, another local family was not so lucky.
Amanda Kordich was killed by a drunk driver on her way home from work at

I went to school with Amanda's mom and our daughters danced together for 8 years at Forest Hills Dance company. This...hits much too close to home for me as my daughter is preparing to get her driver's license and her first job.

Amanda is here today, but very much being missed by her family and friends. Please pray for her family...What a tremendous loss...
Until next time...
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