Did I say 300 pictures? I guess what I meant was 438 pictures. Can you believe it? I am going to try to narrow it down to the very best ones...bear with me ;)

Dylan and Gabe...digging for China

We filled up the hole with Brennan! Gabe was helping to make sure every last
crevice was filled in!

How on Earth do I get out of here?!?

Oh my gosh! I actually made it into a picture! How odd!

Beautiful baby girl

Handsome baby boy!

What?!? I'm in two pictures? How could it be! (I'm taking your suggestion Catherine!)

There's my housebound boy Brennan...out in the sun with his pasty white skin!

Thank goodness for big, strong, cousins!
Buh bye Brennan!

The babies could have played at the beach for days!

Did you taste the sand? What, you didn't? Well you should! It's pretty tasty!

Cousins :)

Handsome picture of the honey!

Superstar! Paris has nothing on her!

Did I mention my brother bought himself this pinball game for his birthday?
Ok, get ready for three super handsome photos...I talked him into a smile for me! This ones a keeper!

And so is this one!

And this one...wave dancing!

Sunshine baby

Love those cub fans! Even in Wisconsin :)

The mad hatter (birthday boy)

The hostess with the

Hail, hail the gang's all here!
And really, this photo is not related at all, but we got a new frog for our pond on Thursday, and I just had to share him with you...

We haven't named him yet...any ideas?
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