If you've checked out my blog roll, you may wonder why I read Mike's show & Shine...Here's the deal, my husband's a car buff. To involve him in the blog community, I keep up with Mike...so hubby can enjoy a blog once in a while. We own an auto shop and formerly owned a race team with a prostock funny car and a rear engine dragster. My husband bought his first new car in high school...a 1977 Chevy Nova Concourse...which he still owns today. My Dad was also a mechanic and owned his own shop. I've been around cars my whole life. I tend to prefer small foreign cars with nice stereos and sunroofs which gives my husband a nervous twitch, but I also have a very special love for 55 and 56 Chevy's. My first love in high school had a 56 Chevy (and no I'm not that old!) that was all original. It had sat in a barn for many years and had 75,000 original miles on it. OK, for all my girlfriends that are not car buffs, I know you're ready to clickety click right out of here, right? (I mean Pioneer Woman is looking better all the time...) Ok, let me get to the point...as I was leaving the subdivision last night to go to tennis, this is what I saw...
I first wondered what was going on when I drove home and saw that my neighbor had a port-o-potty in his yard. Odd right? I thought...well for sure there's gonna be a party there. Then on my way back out...fabulous! You see, this old duffer collects antique cars. I really should take a picture of the garage in his back yard. It is the cutest thing ever complete with an antique Texaco gas pump. Anyway, evidently his 'car club' meeting must have been at his house last night. There were a lot of old guys there (um the ladies were definitely underrepresented) and there were lots of nice cars. I for one...enjoyed the view tremendously. 
Don't worry, that squad car in the background belongs to a neighbor also....there was no 'trouble' last night :) Just old dudes with nice cars. Oh, and 1 port-o-potty 
Of course with large antique cars parked on both sides of the street, and my car stopped in the middle while I was taking pictures, I definitely created a traffic back up. A well worth it traffic back up :)

PS. Funeral update...got all the plans made with the funeral home last night. Need to confirm dates and times with the church and all should be final. Hope to have that all done today. Thanks for your patience.
Fab post! Love the cars, of course. But it got me into your entire blog. Great stories, about your family, Poppy, and the others. I will come back again to read the rest, but I, too, have to go to work. I just have a part time job and will be into "retirement" in November, God willing. Thanks for the great lead in. I will love having your readers visit Mike's Show-N-Shine. Mustang Mike
We have an RPM Club here where they have events to show off their old wheels. It's really cool. I'm glad people work hard to preserve these old cars.
That is just so COOL! An antique car show in your neighborhood!
Rob loves the photos. He is working on a 66 coronet 500. He recently finished a 53 chevy truck with his dad and hunter. Robs dad gave the truck to hunter.Hunter was so excited that he has a truck before devin has a car.lol
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