Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ketchup only #2 is up and running...and it is REAL plain... it needs a lot of work, and I have a lot of ideas for it. I'm off school for the next two weeks and that is one of many projects on the list. Check it out here if you get a minute...thanks!

Where did Ketchup only come from you ask? For the last few weeks I pondered the name of a new blog, a place where I could write about my son's life with Asperger's. A place that other families could turn to for resources, help, a laugh, or a listening ear. I digress...back to ketchup, one would think that ordering a cheeseburger, ketchup only, would not be such a monumental task. One would also think that raising a son would not be such a monumental task. Throw Asperger's Syndrome into the mix and both of those things become monumental. I cannot remember how many times my son ordered ketchup only...only to get a cheeseburber with everything that resulted in 1) the cheeseburger flying across the room, car, restaurant etc., 2) a meltdown that could last God knows how long and, not or....and 3) my bubba being too upset to eat anything. That's the life with my boy, and my boy with Asperger's...the ups, the down's and everything in between.

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