Friday, July 31, 2009
No means...maybe later?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Does he really pay attention? I don't think so...
A few weeks ago the hasbeen and I were out shopping with the girls. As we walked into The Pottery Barn (one of my utmost favorite stores of all time), my husband said wow...this is quite a bit nicer than our pottery barn...imagine this readers... stylish, beautiful, modern, tastefully which I replied..."Honey, we don't have a Pottery Barn." "Yes we do...on E. State St." I had to think..."Tell me you do not mean Old Time Pottery!" He did...imagine this...
crowded, big yellow signs, cement floors. Clearly, no comparison. After I had quite a hardy laugh at his expense I realized...he doesn't really pay attention...but he sure provides a good dose of humor!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Can it be true?
The big girl got a job...she's officially a taco bell girl now and my budget is on the way to improving
The precious one got a paper route...another great gain for my budget :)
The sonshine's driving is panics are becoming more rare
The honey do list is getting done...he even bought and put in a light bulb for the fixture over my sink that he installed two years ago...go honey!
I got my license AND my diploma on the same day
We've had one day of 90 degrees all summer-- so much for the water park season passes
I'm still waiting on the laundry fairy.
Have a great day!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Perhaps I have over indulged...

Monday, July 20, 2009
Random acts of kindness warm my heart
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Shenanigans can often be overheard when a new driver drives a strange car
Precious one: OUCH!!!
Mrs. Ruchus: What happened precious one?!?
PO: A Raindrop just hit me in the eye!
MR: Oh? It's raining there?
PO: Yes, we're (using that term loosely) driving papa's car and we don't know how to use the air conditioning or the window wipers so we're driving with the window's down and a raindrop just hit me in the eye.
MR: (sighs and says Good Lord under her breath) Precious one, tell your sister to pull over and look for the window wipers on the turn signal.
PO: She found them, but now they only turn on every once in a while
MR: Yes Precious One, that is the delay, tell her to turn it farther and they'll turn on.
PO: Ok Mom, but we're home now....bye.
And so it goes...another gray hair was added today.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
McDonald's blog fodder...

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Oh yes it is!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Facebook....a sure sign of memory loss...
Last night I ventured into the deep caverns of the back of my basement and in a box labeled yearbooks...located the long lost photo memoirs. I opened the front cover of my senior yearbook and the first alarming realization was that I could not recall some of the people that had actually signed my yearbook. Now, certainly I didn't have strangers sign my yearbook right? I proceeded to look through page after page of my 500 classmates at which point I had another memory sucks! These '1984 wanna be's' are indeed there on the printed pages of my dusty yearbook. So future facebook friends, let me apologize for doubting you...I will continue to comb through the pages, to recall lost memories...and accept your friendship to form new ones :) Happy Friday.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
You gotta try this place!

Saturday, July 4, 2009
Hijink may ensue...
The Rock River Towers...we had a friend with a condo on the 13th floor. From there we could sit in the air conditioning on his sofa and watch the fireworks. It was by far....THE best firework viewing location. Sadly, he moved and so this location is no longer a choice. Since then we've been on the banks of the river, the top of a parking garage, sitting on a bridge...let's just say I never miss the fireworks...until now.
Recently my brother moved to Kenosha...right on lake block from where they shoot off the fireworks...this is my new favorite spot! Today, we took a trolley ride, we watched the boats come in off Lake Michigan, we went to the farmers market, AND we had one of these... As a small girl...Mrs. Ruchus would run out to the street with her 15 cents in had to get a rainbow sprinkle cone, the likes of which have been without compare in all her years... Guess what I had today? You guessed it!! A rainbow sprinkle cone, from the Mr. Softee man. It is now $3 I might ad, but hasn't lost one bit of the wonderful memories it had when I was little :)
The boys are outside (by boys I mean my brother and my husband) playing remote control cars...and it's time for me to get the burgers made...Have a safe 4th everybody... AND Happy Birthday Tim!
Don't forget to take a moment to thank a veteran dad, my step dad, Poppy, and my 4 brothers, all served their country in the armed forces. Thanks! And thank you to all the families that are away from their loved ones today as they continue to fight for our freedom.
Friday, July 3, 2009
My new little friend