I guess I am just a suggestible person. I have to face it. This week, once again I am in training in Chicago while my real work gets further and further behind. I have no one to blame for this except me, since I'm the one that signed myself up for this training, I wanted to take the training, and I'm glad my work is paying for the training, I just wish I didn't have to miss work to take the training...Good Lord, enough about the training. As I was saying...I'm driving to and from Chicago this week everyday. Yesterday as I was movin along I-290 I saw this little beauty... 

You ever have that experience when you're pretty sure that is THE most delicious thing you have seen in a month of Sunday's and you just can't get it off your mind? Yeah, me too! So...I head home, thinking, of course, of a Big Mac. I rush inside get ready for my school board meeting, and throughout the meeting as I'm eating some really healthy fruit, I'm thinking of the impending Big Mac. Immediately following the meeting, I rush to McD's to purchase the longed for sandwich.. I pull in the driveway, just enjoying the heck out of that Big Mac, where my husband and son are waiting. "You bring us McD's?" "Uh, no. You haven't eaten?" "Uh, no." So, here's the lesson in that story...I am suggestible. I think I read that somewhere before. Hopefully, you're not waiting at home for dinner, because it's very possible I may have been side tracked along the way, and that there is no dinner for you! Gratefully, the hubby and my sonshine fended for themselves for dinner. No harm done.
Now, let's discuss today. I love McDonald's breakfast. I do. Way too much. AND today, July 14th was 50 cent hotcakes day. How could a person go wrong with three steaming hot delicious McD's flapjacks for 50 pennies? I woke up this morning to my husband saying 50 cent hotcakes today. Whew that's my kind of day! So...I get all in my car on my way to Chicago and I stop at the McD's drivethrough where I proudly say...I'll have me some hot cakes please. Pause...Ma'am you know the 50 cent special isn't available through the drive through right? pause....longer pause...you're kidding right? No Ma'am I'm not kidding. (I hate to be called Ma'am by the way)...so I ordered a breakfast burrito...and I was a mite bit miffed I might add...but not to be outdone...the gal I was riding with ran inside and got me some 50 cent hotcakes...all is well with the world...
On a totally unrelated note...I have figured out how to use my camera...only on auto setting and how to download pics. Here's some samples for your viewing pleasure...
Let's just say the pets will be glad when the camera newness wears off :)
1 comment:
Oh but have you had the experience of getting the longed for sandwich or whatever food stuff and it not be what you had anticipated. Bites, doesn't it? Great pictures BTW.
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