I think today I'm having a life hangover. Ponder that thought for a moment. What exactly is a life hangover you ask? Let me explain...When I was little my mom would always say..."You want to do too much...you have to focus on one thing." Well here's the thing...focusing on one thing just isn't me. Call it ADD, call it scatter brained, call it what you like, but I seem to be one of those folks that has to have a lot and I mean A LOT going at all times. I don't really appreciate a lot of down time, unless it's napping, but I digress. Lately, I have umpteen projects going. None finished, some started, some hoped for...just too darn much. Add that to my three jobs, and my back to school in a month and I just feel as if I m-a-y have over extended myself. Again. I'm finding myself a bit stalled, which is totally unlike me, because I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. I believe I'll take a nap, make a list, and hope that tomorrow it'll be all better, and what seems overwhelming today, will once again seem manageable tomorrow.
Isn't doing too much the definition of being a woman?
For sure Shari, I always say that I need a wife! (and my husband is always offended when I say that)
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