Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I'm pretty sure I don't need another addiction...

Here's the trouble...I love too many things...I love my family (of course!), my friends, gardening, scrapbooking, photography, and many many other too numerous to mention here, but my new found love is...Daddy blogs. For real...where do these incredible writers come from? It all began with CF Husband...as he told his story about his incredible wife and daughter. I have found myself praying for this family, just about daily. Both his baby and his wife are virtually walking miracles. As a family member of a transplant recipient I know too well how fragile life is...and about the waiting and about the recovery, and about life post transplant. Their story is amazing. Not long after CF Husband, came Sardonic Catholic Dad...He is a breath of fresh air...first of all he has a great sense of humor...and also 11 kids. I never cease to be amazed that one with 11 kids still has a sense of humor! Love him...and his wife too but let's not digress we're talking strictly Daddy blogs here! About the same time I became hooked on Sardonic, I stumbled across Laid Off Dad... Laid off Dad is going through a Divorce while at the same time trying to do what's best for his children. He is my hero. Matt, Liz, and Madeleine ... is the story of Matt and Madeleine...and Liz who is in Heaven. Those that know me may be surprised that I read this blog since Matt uses foul language periodically daily. His blog is raw, truthful, and I love it. Finally, my latest...The Newborn Identity...All this humor and a Dad too? I sometimes feel as if I never need to pick up a book again! Ok, all you compulsive readers calm down! My book list is much too long to list here! Take a minute to check out these amazing blogs and these amazing Dad's...

Do you think Keith Urban is considering Daddy Blogging?


Anonymous said...

I also have a list of blogs I love reading. It is amazing to read about other people's lives. It always makes me grateful for my relatively boring existence.

CFHusband said...

Thank you!