Sunday, July 6, 2008

Just following orders...

So tonight as I read several blogs that all ordered me to NOT post on July 4th, I think what they really meant was to not post July 4th, 5th, and not until late night on July 6th :) Really we were out of town following orders...spending time with family, taking 342 pictures, (until my camera could take it no more and my battery died) playing at the beach, enjoying the beauty of the Earth, spending time with the babies, and generally forgetting any challenge in life that may exist.

As I read a few blogs tonight (Sandi Johnson in particular) the tears streamed down my face and I was more grateful for the time to get away: to run around like a fiend taking baby pictures from every view imaginable, enjoying the PERFECT weather...I mean who ordered that? Sunny, not a cloud in the sky, light breeze and 75 degrees...are you kidding me? PERFECT!! Oh, I digress, walking instead of taking a car, celebrating this great country (despite our current challenges...(thank you Dubya), oh AN my firecracker brother's birthday. That's right, born on the 4th of July. The rest of us are wondering when there will be fireworks across the country for our birthdays! I fondly remember his daughters when they were about 3 and 4 years old driving down the street (well I guess really riding, not driving) and saying "There's a flag for Daddy's birthday!!!" At the top of their lungs in their tiny voices. Those same girls who are raising my super sweet great neice and nephew.

Yes, I tried to download the 300+ pics but to no avail. The batter is just pooped out! I will for sure purchase a new battery tomorrow to accomplish the mission. I am also committing to send these pictures into snapfish to be developed for use at our next scrapnight. I am terrible about letting my pictures sit on my never to be seen again hard drive, but am vowing to send them in once a month to get them developed. It's a fourth of July resolution.

I totally slacked off tonight when I got home, didn't unpack, didn't do laundry, didnt' check to see that we all have clean clothes tomorrow, and to top it all off...I think I'll head straight to bed and hope for the best!

I did find a new blog, that may help me in my endeavors. Check it out here...

And hey Shana...sure can't find your blog address anywhere...(I had a glitch when reformatting my blog list and poof you're gone...) please send it to me k?!?

Until next time...


Catherine said...

Dear Jacque, you're always busy! Now you vow to send pictures, I'll go and visit you until you do it. That's a good sign when someone is too busy to blog, that's always a good reason! Furthermore, I'll see you next Friday for SWF.

Krishana said...