Maybe just a little. I had this weekend off school and so I hauled my bootie to the high school game. Between my running of the children I caught most of the sophomore game and three quarters of the varsity game. I love my kids' school. It is my Alma matter and the reason we bought our house where we did. Some of the teachers I had are still there...some of the kids I went to school with are now teachers there. And typically...we have great sports teams. When I was there it was basketball and volleyball, especially the lady huskies. For the past few years however it has been the ladies softball team and the football teams that have really shown! This year...our football team is in first place in the conference. A trip downstate is not out of the question this year :)
Our team is currently undefeated and since I was off school on Friday...the hubby and I made an effort to get there...
I went early to the Sophomore game so I could watch my friend Shannon's daughter Devin
perform at half time on the dance team....
Devin also happens to be my big girl's BFF since 1st grade. They are two peas for sure!

So...sadly, you may be annoyed with my continual posts regarding the season. Put it this way....last week they beat the other #1 team 48 - 28. This week, we beat Jefferson and I believe the score was 55 - 10 Varsity and 48 - 6 JV. Definitely a fun game...definitely packed! Fans were parked way out to to street. Amazing.
I was also so happy to see the marching band. They did a terrific job and looked quite spiffy in their uniforms.
In two years my precious one will be out there performing *sigh*

Between games hubby and I enjoyed dinner at Chili's....just the two of us :) The sunset was a sight to behold...
What a great day.

The next morning I was up to see the sunrise...
as the big girl headed to a college visit to UW Platte ville. She loved the school, but didn't think dairy farming was for her :)

Sunday we headed out to the apple orchard to kick off fall with half the city! We went on the wagon ride,
ate caramel apples and baked potatoes, shopped in the new store and generally had a great time...
Aubrey really enjoyed riding the much so that she cried and cried when her turn was over! So....
she rode again!
And this tears when she was done!
We tried to get her to pose for our annual Apple Orchard picture, but no such luck!

We headed home so I could give Aubrey her very first hair cut :) It was super sweet for me, since I gave her mommie her very first hair cut when she was a baby...When she was done, she took some time to model these...
I had so much fun this weekend! I even cleaned a bit...did some laundry, took a nap and watched Y&R...actually, I'm only two weeks behind now! Hope your weekend was great too!