Who knew Wisconsin was so crazy about cheese? It all started out innocently enough...we had planned to drive into Monroe (where my FIL is buried) to visit the cemetery and stop to have our traditional Cheese Sandwich at Bomgartners. We knew we were in trouble when every street was lined with cars and people were walking from blocks away to the downtown of this quiet quaint Wisconsin Town. We decided for a moment to brave the crowds and see if we could gain access to Bomgartners. We started walking by lots of these...
We stopped for a minute to visit with Elvis...
We admired this for a moment...
to keep one's tushy warm in the 80 degree heat...and finally made it to Bomgartners...along with 100 of our closest friends and a very loud polka band. My kids love Bomgartners cuz it's the only place you can shoot dollar bills and stick them to the ceiling with a tack!
There is a beautiful mural paying homage to the rolling hills of green county...
We made the executive decision to forego Bombartners this time since it was standing room only. And oddly enough I saw two people I work with there...small world. Anyway, most other restaurants that were not down town were closed in honor of the cheese fest...(seriously) so we quickly stopped to grab a quick ride on the...
. Could someone please remind me next time that Tilt-A-Whirls make me seriously sick and have for about the past 20 years. Why do I have such a hard time remembering that until it's too late?
After I got off the ride I told my husband, please remind me to never ride that again...it always makes me sick. He said, "Yeah, that's what you told me last time...and then you sure rode it again!" Live and learn I guess. We got back to the car and cranked on the air full blast to help me overcome the motion sickness and headed to the cemetery...
The hubby and I recalled all the obstacles we have overcome in the past 10 years since his death and marveled at how we made it through. My FIL was my husband's employer, confidant, racing buddy, and Dad. It was a very difficult time and at this point, it seems we have overcome and gotten through it. My husband now owns the family business, the racing team has been sold, we've since lost my dad (his other confidant) and somehow managed to survive it all. We decided to head back home to eat...through the rolling hills of Wisconsin...
We decided on eating at Pizza Ranch. Of course we got there at 2:30 and they are closed from 2 - 5 on Sunday....Grrrrrrrr. Finally, we ate at a local diner which was delicious. Really, by that time cardboard would have tasted great since none of us had eaten at all that day...

We decided on eating at Pizza Ranch. Of course we got there at 2:30 and they are closed from 2 - 5 on Sunday....Grrrrrrrr. Finally, we ate at a local diner which was delicious. Really, by that time cardboard would have tasted great since none of us had eaten at all that day...
After we got home...we headed to the mall to scope out homecoming dresses. My daughter picked out the most beautiful, simply darling dress and the price you ask?!? $25 I.kid.you.not. Fabulous! Do I have a picture? Not yet. What's really crazy is I took a picture of all the dresses she tried on, but not the final one that she bought. I know I know...So perhaps tonight I'll get a picture. I was really excited at the price since we still have to buy many accessories. It was a busy fun filled weekend. As my precious one was half asleep in the car last night she summed it all up..."What a fun day."
Until next time...
We were just in Wisconsin for a vacation. We stocked up on cheese!
It sounds like a nice weekend time.
I'm amazed at the dollar bills sticked to the ceiling. Strange idea!
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