Friday, December 12, 2008

To the Dope, From the Princess

The names in this post have been changed to protect the innocent. Any reference to any adolescent girls who are part of the Ruchus is purely coincidental.

It is a sure sign of the true Christmas Spirit and also a testament to the fabulous bond of sisterly love we have created in our house when, there, on a neatly wrapped Christmas present, under our lovely tree are these words, written in thick black Sharpie marker...

To: the dope

From: the princess

Gee, don't you just feel the love and warmth of the holiday spreading over every part of your being? I know I do.


Aim said...

that's funny and I could totally see something like that at my house. I found your blog through feedjit- rockford blogs. How funny is that!?

Jacque said...

Thanks for commenting on the Ruchus Aim, and welcome.