Just couldn't think of a catchy title today :) I had no school again this weekend...and so it seemed like I had forever on my hands. Friday night I had intended to go watch the Huskies WIN AGAIN!!!! But my big girl had different plans. The girls and I and Stephs BFF went out to dinner. We ran to Gordman's and bought homecoming shoes and undergarments ;) and I dropped them off skating. I had dropped my precious one at a movie and picked her up. Sadly, my honey was in Michigan at a funeral for his elderly cousin's who were robbed and shot to death in a sleep little Michigan town. The suspects have been captured and turned out they were boys that lived on the same street as Robert and Norma Bean. Dreadfully sad...over 1500 people through the visitation and 500 at the cemetery. Amazing. Two very sweet, generous, charitable people went to be with God last Monday. Please pray for the family.
After much running around Friday night I dropped my precious one's friend off at her friend's dad's house. I went to school with her dad and hadn't seen him in 24 years!! (How can that be if I'm only thirty something?) We played catch up and chatted until WAY too late when I finally went home to crash into bed. 15 hours later I woke up. 3 pm. Really. That's about 3 days worth of sleep for me and man did I need it. Needless to say I had to alter my plans for Saturday as I had quite a large to do list. I ran a few errands and headed to Sarah's for scrap night.
Had a project to work on there, that I didn't get finished...more on that later...Today, my baby Aubrey arrived at 7AM...as I was in the driveway taking a picture of the most beautiful sunrise.
Today it was 83 balmy degrees here when it really should have been about 50.
We went to the orchard again in shorts and flipops!
Amazing! We chose our pumpkins, picked raspberries (Yum.my!), grabbed some apple cider donuts for my honey and his mom, and picked up some Autumn Beauty apples (definitely my new favorite!)

After much running around Friday night I dropped my precious one's friend off at her friend's dad's house. I went to school with her dad and hadn't seen him in 24 years!! (How can that be if I'm only thirty something?) We played catch up and chatted until WAY too late when I finally went home to crash into bed. 15 hours later I woke up. 3 pm. Really. That's about 3 days worth of sleep for me and man did I need it. Needless to say I had to alter my plans for Saturday as I had quite a large to do list. I ran a few errands and headed to Sarah's for scrap night.

Our next and final trip to the orchard will be closer to the end of the month when the Granny Smiths's are ripe for the picken. Yummy! At that point, we'll be cooking all things apple...pie, crisp, sauce...Yum.my!
After the orchard I totallly forgot about the girl scout meeting my daughter's had (after I had just talked about it 30 minutes before that) and ran to the mall and found the perfect jewelry for the big girl for homecoming, then came home and cooked dinner: penne pasta, cheese bread, green beans, yum. I caught up on Grey's, ER, and Y&R over the weekend, read the syllabus for my 3rd to last class (big grin) and snuggled up my precious one for a bit. Kristina and I also scrubbed the kitchen yesterday. What an accomplishment. I gotta run tuck her in a get to bed...hope your weekend was awesome!
Man, you packed a lot of living - and sleeping! - into one weekend! I love the pumpkin patch photos and that sunrise!!!! WOW!!!!
That is SO tragic about your husband's cousins! Unbelievable!!! I'm so sorry. Horrible.
Haha. It's the pumpkin with the crazy stem! I think that is so 'unique'! Thanks for taking Aub. I know she had a great time. Remind me to tell you are pumpkin carving theme for this year. The pumpkin you bought her works into the mesh perfectly!! Love you...
Hey! We hope you found some good deals! Next time you come in bring this coupon with you!
Happy shopping,
Your friends at Gordmans
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