Today's post is dedicated to this girl...

My cousin Kim. Here's the deal...I cannot imagine how different my life would be, had I never had Kim in my's why: I did not grow up knowing Kim...I think I was 9 or 10 when we 'met'. She lived in California. Well, actually she still lives in California. Anyway...from the moment we met...I have loved and admired her. I spent my summer's in high school at Kim's house in California. I went to the beach for the first time with Kim...I saw the Rocky Horror Picture Show on Sunset Blvd with Kim...I went to Disney,
Knotts Berry Farm, and a bazillion other places with Kim. I learned to be brave from Kim and to overcome some less than stellar happenings of our childhood. Many of my parenting skills I learned from Kim. Last year I took my children to California for the first time. My oldest is hooked, just like me...she plans to attend College there, and I have no fears for her, knowing she will be with Kim. Kim is the sister I never had. When her child was diagnosed with Leukemia, Kim invited me to go on their make a wish trip with them to Hawaii. What an honor. Kim has two amazing children. I am so proud of them. When my children met Kim's children last year...they were 'instant' family. I love that...I love you Kim...Happy Birthday!
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