First of all, let me just ask what happened to Saturday? Really, I am surely sitting here and cannot recall what we did yesterday, or rather didn't do. Oh yea....I felt yucky! I slept 12 hours, got up and went to Gill's for lunch, and then back to bed. Bleck! I did watch the Cardinals win last night and that was really terrific for my Mom and her hubby Larry. Speaking of mom...
she's needing some please add her to your lists. You know she's suffered with the heart issues, and now the blocked carotid issues, and now not to be outdone...back to the heart issues. Sheeez! I will be really glad when her husband is home safe and sound on Tuesday because really, being 2000 miles away from your mom when she's having health issues, is really less than pleasant for me. Come to think of it, I bet it's not too pleasant for her either. Get better soon mama!
Back to the topic...It's the precious one's birthday today. 4:09p....13 years ago today...

I am now the official mom of 3 teenagers. When I was talking with Larry (my mom's hubby) the other day and sharing with him that I would soon have 3 teenagers...well, let's just say I was trying to think of a word to describe my which he replied...well I can't remember the exact words, but it was along the lines of fabulous, wonderful, abundantly blessed. Yes...all of those things. There are many many many many times when I don't use those words to describe the crazy ruchus that is my life, but deep down, I wouldn't have it any other way!
We went to the cell store to get her a new phone for her that would enable her to text more efficiently at the dinner table...
and after waiting over an hour (there's a whole nother -is too a word!- post in that story)

Have you been to the lone star since it has been remodeled? I don't really like it as much. The bread is different, the cheesy fries are different and although I love the new decor, I don't think the food is as good. They also don't have prime rib anymore. Gee, I miss Michaels...only you local oldies will remember Michaels :)
We took the big girl's boyfriend with us today...they all got sloshed on kiddie cocktails! Really, when their glass was about 1/3 gone, the waitress brought them another...and another.
It was a little bit crazy.

Ok, change still with me?...the new topic is blog stalkers. You know who you are...all you readers out there that don't ever comment. Here's the thing. Often times If feel like I'm sending my writing off into the blogospere, and where it goes nobody knows. But lately, so many local people I have talked to start their sentences with, "Oh yeah, I was reading your blog the other day and I saw dah dah dah..." And then sometimes I find my face gets red...and then I think...really? Was everything on their appropriate? Have I offended anyone? Probably...Maybe not...Who knows...but I do know, there are times on this blog when I sure let it rip, as much as I let it rip, which isn't much comparatively speaking...and of course, I always leave work out of it, clients out of it, and anything else that could get me in a whole lotta it's probably pretty mundane for the most part. But I do appreciate everyone that reads. Sometimes blogging is hard to get your head around: that Catherine reads me in France, that my neighbor reads me, that my mother reads in Arizona...and that I have met so many blog buddies. This blog originally started to keep my relatives up to date of what's been going on. It is amazing what a big part of our life it has become.
The proof is in the pudding so they say, since here I sit at 11:20 pm blogging! I have the next two Monday's off (at least the AM) and so of course I get to stay up late like a kid on a no school night! I got through the first week of back to work... this week I get back to this...
(just a few books for my 6 week class!) and then of course next week is my last week at Circles. So far I'm being really brave about the big change coming and just trusting God that He led me here and He knows what is best for me. As I've said before, change is super super hard for me...but it has become so much easier than it has ever been. I have stepped so far out of my comfort zone in the last two years, that maybe I won't go back there. Time will tell.

I almost got my tree put away today (did I just admit that my tree is still up?) Here's the thing...I was gone for 9 days so for me it is like January 2nd, which really isn't too late to have your tree up, right? First thing tomorrow, it will be the rest of the way down. Hooray. I gotta run and see if Sarah posted yet, and then off to bed...
Hope you all had a great weekend...stay tuned for the upcoming events of the week..
Until next time...
i even remember the OLD michaels!!! it was a nice place for dinner!
Happy Birthday to Kristina! A teenager? crazy. I just had that five year old in my class, right?
Looks like it was a nice time.
finally getting a chance to catch up on my blog reading. you have so many posts.. puts the rest of us to
How is the last week at circles going? I remember how emtional my last was. Thinking of you and all the places you are going to go.
ps.. you are going to LOVE the school calendar! Can't remember life without it.
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