I'm too excited to be going to our friends Ray & Kris's house for the big game today. I'm also excited that the Cardinals are playing. My Mom's hubby is a huge Cardinal fan and a season ticket holder. Here's hoping for him that they win. Besides...I've never been a Steelers fan.
Here's the weekly recap....just a few things missed along the way...
My super terrific, scoring extra brownie points husband, sent me these on my first day at work...
Awwww, how sweet is that. They are still quite beautiful today. He used a different florist than the one he usually uses and these roses were amazing. They were pink, not peach as is the tradition, but they were and still are very lovely.

I had my first Thursday in about a month that I didn't have to work late, and so I got to go with the kids to their music lessons...
I sat in on my Sonshine's guitar lesson, the precious one's piano lesson, and the big girl's voice lesson...of course as she sang I cried. *sigh Oh, how I love those kids! They take at Forest City Music Studio, and if you are in the market, check them out. I was super pleased.

Friday and Saturday I had school, and now I'm on break for a week :) -- 9 weekends to go until graduation. Yippeee!
Last night I went to scrap night...and I didn't scrap. I brought all kinds of stuff with me to do,but just wasn't feelin it. Instead, we all talked about our 365 projects and about how much the crazy kits are selling for on ebay, and then we checked out Sarah's project 365 from last year...
Very cool. On the way to scrap night I stopped at Michaels and picked up the new people mag so I could check out the article on Matt, Liz, and Madeleine...one of my favorite blogs. It was very well done. There are many people on this Earth that my heart aches for....but this family is surely at the top of my list.
I read some of Sarah's terrific books while I was there, and kept in contact with my kiddos who were texting me non stop. It was a great and much needed night! This Wed is my last night teaching at the Y and then I'm off for 5 weeks. The time will be replaced however with more time spent at the clinic, so there's not a net game in time, but some new scenery to enjoy.

Over the past week, I have reactivated my facebook account so I can keep up with my friends at Circles...so if you're on facebook...check me out there.
Today, I'm spending the morning with my precious baby girl...
Can you believe how big she is? Oh, and if I haven't mentioned it before...she is going to be a big sister this summer.
Her mama and daddy made the announcement at Christmas time (errr rather Aubrey's shirt made the announcement) and we couldn't be more thrilled...I have determined we probably need to stop calling her baby girl though ;) I just can't wait for warm weather and time off work to spend with my favorite munchkins....Zoe, Jason, Joey, Ethan, Emma and Aubrey...I think I need to get me a 15 passenger van so we can all run all over town together and do fun things! OK, maybe not...but I truly cannot wait to be back outside playing in the sunshine.

I have several drafts in my mind that I'd like to bring to fruition here eventually, but you know...time, time, time, but this one just can't wait...
The other day Kevin was expressing his desire for clean socks, and so I told him I could take a moment to introduce him to this large white box in the basement called a washer and he could have all the clean socks a guy could hope for...to which he honestly replied...White? Are you sure? I thought we bought the burgundy one. *sigh REALLY?!? Is there hope for this guy? I'm not so sure...I better be off to wash some socks! Have a great Sunday.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot...report cards came out yesterday....the hubby got a bit verclempt with the pride he felt over the kids' grades...
the big girl brought home...
Honors accel. Geometry B, Spanish 2 A, Treble Choir A, PE A, Honors accel. English 10 B
the precious one brought home...
Science A, Pre Algebra A, Social Studies A, Language Arts A, PE A, Band B Choir A
and the Sonshine brought home...
Math A, Reading C, Social Studies A, Science A, English B, Pe A, Resource B
Very cool...the big girl's class rank is 56 out of 694, so she's well into the top 10% of her class :)
When we exclaimed our pleasure in the Sonshines grades, he responded by saying that he's 'practicing' getting good grades so he can have a good student discount when he starts driving. Gotta love it, just keep on 'practicing' son and all will be well!
I'm off to get some laundry in and to update my project 365. Check it out when you have am minute.
Awsome post! You are so blessed. And yeah, extra brownie points for roses on the first day on the new job.
Oh! And beautiful photos too.
And I said, "WOW!" How wonderful the kids are taking their studies so seriously. As the old saying goes, "It all begins at home!" Tell them that the dollars are on their way..YEY! Started watching the game at Shirley's house, but left at half-time after that crazy interception..heart couldn't take anymore of that. Now, just correcting a few typoes in my letter and my report to the judge on my baby CASA case for tomorrow and then off to bed. Larry is spending the night at his daughter's after going to a Super Bowl party with her, so it's just Swif-her and me tonight. Oh yes, 60 degress here again today ;)
luv yo mama
You never stop calling them baby girl. I always tell our girls, "No matter how old you are, you'll always be my baby." Congratulations!
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