Te celebrate Valentine's Day...we all gathered at JMK Nippon for an amazing dinner...Ohhhhh how I love Japanese food
Much to my surprise, Aubrey was quite adept at the use of Chopsticks... (at 2 years old!) So much so in fact that when we got her the children's chopsticks to use that were joined at the top, she had a harder time using those than the adult kind!
Austin joined us for dinner... (the big girl's boyfriend) and then my brother, his wife, my niece, her husband, Aubrey, my Dad and our family. 12 in all! It was a delicious meal and we all had a great time together...
Nippon's has a beautiful setting with many outdoor koi ponds. Due to the weather, the outside ponds were closed and Aubrey had to settle for admiring the indoor fish...
After dinner we headed to my house for dessert where I had made red velvet cake from scratch and cherry cobbler. There was much chatting and discussion on solving the world's woes... but sadly, we didn't come up with the magic solution last night!
Aubrey stayed over night at our house...so this morning I took a brief photo shoot while she was eating breakfast before church... I just really can't get enough of her cuteness. The terrific part is that she is not only adorable, but so well behaved. What a precious love!
At church today our Youth Pastor preached, and I always appreciate those days....his style is SO different from our regular Pastor and he always includes a good dose of humor. I don't prefer one over the other but I do really enjoy their different styles. Today, he shared on the digital projector pictures of many of the valentine's he got as a child. Since we are very close in age...it was really neat for me to recall what valentine's looked like when I was in grade school. There were no copyrighted characters...just good ole well wishes for VD. It was a great sermon. Our church is now serving a meal one day a week at a local homeless shelter, so I volunteered to cook for them.
Tomorrow is my first day off...my first school holiday...I can't tell you how much I love it! Although I have a million things to do and I will do a few of them...the main event of the day will be taking Zoe, Jason and Ethan to play. Perhaps Chuck E. Cheese tomorrow...I am certain a good time will be had by all. Hope you all had a wonderful restful weekend.
One of the big things on tomorrow's list is to fix up my project 365 and to catch it up. I have a few changes in mind and many pictures to add. Secondly, is the taxes...they MUST be done, cuz I need the $$ (Gee didn't I say that last week?!?) I plan to do laundry, clean my room, and do some homework. I'm actually off work from all my jobs tomorrow which is fabulous. My kids are off as well, so I'll be sure to give them an extra kiss!
Here's looking ahead to a great week!
Love the photo of her with the reflection. That is a gorgeous photograph!
Looks like y'all had a great Vday.
BRATZ GIRL! That made me laugh!
I love the Aubrey's reflection on the window. That's perfect picture, Jacque.
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