Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Looking for a good read...

I do try to do my best to blog everyday...sometimes I miss when my life gets out of hand. Along with my posting, I seek to read blogs everyday...but here's the thing...life gets in the way for other folks as well and to be perfectly frank, I just don't find some blogs as charming as I used to. So...it's blogger award time 2009, so last night I searched for some new blogs to read...nothing. So tonight, I'll be checking out what you guys read, to see if I can find something new, and then along with that I believe I'll have to delete some blogs that don't post regularly.

Let me explain, I use the word regularly VERY loosely here, like once a month. And then there's my friends that only post when I yell, like Anne :) So, they'll have to stay on the ole blogroll. The winds of change are blowing...can you feel it?

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