Yup! Today, we got to watch the precious baby girl again :) I told my niece that although I would never want another "full time" baby, I sure love having her over. She is just the best baby! Comes from being well cared for at home :) I just marvel at her
amazingness {is that a word?}

(Pardon her broccoli face) Every time we see her she has a new word...she barks and meows now ~ We had so much fun today-- she played with her new remote I got her for Christmas that says hello in 3 languages...she still wanted to play with my
Tivo remote but settled for hers when I gave it to her :) When her mom came to get her she had to say bye really loudly!!!

Too funny!
I was finally able to kick the kids off the wii long enough to watch 3 days of Y&R, I'm only a week behind now! After my second lazy day...I've decided it's back to the grindstone for me. Laying around is really only pleasurable to me for a short period of time. When Kevin came home last night it was too odd saying things like, "Hey did you know
Whoopi is on the view?" I felt like I should have on a robe and slippers and rollers in my hair! At least I took a shower yesterday :) Well, since that's really not the life for me, it's back to this...

My $290 worth of books for my next two classes! I have clients all day tomorrow and then I have my paperwork appointment at
UIC for my next internship. Hope all goes well there, since that is really where I'd like to work when I leave Circles. I long for the days when I set my schedule AND I don't have to be somewhere at 6 AM! (Oh, did I mention the pay increase won't be too bad either) I have three more college educations to pay for very shortly and am hoping the new income will be a boost! I start teaching child development classes in 2 weeks at the Y for a little extra money. They pay twice as much as my day job, so I really couldn't say no to that. And hey, I get one night off a week, why not teach classes!?! I did get my butt out of the house today to take Kristina to the
Ortho, and yes it is time...almost 6k and she will have a nice straight bite and straight teeth to go with it! I have to send the forms into my insurance to see what they'll pay and then she should be wired up in about 6 weeks. She said, "I guess I'll have to stop sucking my thumb" (Nothing would make her Dad happier by the way) I said, yeah, I guess it's time [cough, cough]-- I'm going to get some cleaning and
homework done here tonight. I have my scrap party Saturday night, and thought (silly me) that I would clean and prepare Friday and Saturday...well except I have clients all day tomorrow and Kristina has an acting audition on Saturday in Chicago. It's
ok I guess, I needed to meet up with my friend Carleen, and I have to drop new boxers off for Poppy, so at least I'll get those errands accomplished. Tonight I want to get to Kohl's to spend my Kohl's cash. I am the worst at letting it expire and vowed not to do it this time. I want to get some flip flop slippers and see what they have left for snowman ornaments. Better run! Until next time...
Hahaha! We love the singing kitties! Aubrey was singing "Meow....meow" with them. LOL. And then she spoke in a different language to them. It couldn't get any better. :) That outfit you got her is adorable. I must go scrub her mouth now. I am not sure what that smell is but it sure is stinky. Good thing I registered for the baby gum and teeth cleaner for her baby shower or I'd have to run to the chaotic Target!
Then I turned it up real loud so Emmy (our kitty) could appreciate it. LOL! I couldn't stop laughing. Thanks for teaching me to torture animals, Dad. No...I am nice to my kitty...but I couldn't resist. Emmy was crawling real low to the ground with her ears back. Oh my!
Glad someone appreciates my choice in music! Do you love Aubrey's pic saying bye real loud?!?
Oh Yea! Too cute! Big mouth she has. Think she will be a cheerleader? I am sure my dad can photoshop a cheerleader uniform on her. LOL.
I will try this again...I now have a blog! You all can stop laughing now, ha,ha. It's grammieinaz.blogspot.com....I, also, do not have good reports from my Cardiac tests..having Angiogram on 1/2/08 at 10AM. Need many prayers...
Love mom
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