Sunday night seems to be "catch up" night for me! I was REALLY looking forward to not cooking tomorrow, but my mother-n-law can't start til Tues, so that was a bit of a bummer, but I'll get through it. I really should take a picture of my office to put on here, because it's really nothing like I've ever seen before. Only working a few hours a day in my office for 7 weeks is a sure recipe for disaster and my office is REALLY a disaster in ever sense of the word. So, Wednesday will begin a little bit of catch up for me at work! This week we had our Polar Express night at my school. We had about 130 people show up for story time, reindeer antler making, sensory bottle making, cookie decorating, and visits with Santa. This is such a neat event with lots of family together time. Santa brought a big bag of knitted hats, from a church group knows as the knit wits :) for the children. The families really seemed to enjoy themselves. Zoe, Jason, and Ethan had a good time decorating cookies...I mean really sugar cookies, frosting, and sugar sprinkles :)
Emma got a new hat :)
AND was brave enough to give Santa "Five"
While big brother Ethan told Santa everything that was on his wish list...
Zoe explained to Santa how she really needed some Barbies for Christmas
And then we finished the night by trying to get a cute picture of them together. This one in front of the super cute entry way bulletin board...well let's just say I don't know who this boy is, but he seemed to have felt the need to be in my picture. The look on Jason's face is terrific, as for some reason he could not "unbecome" spider man :)
We tried a shot in the office, but evidently Spiderman appeared again instead of my little friend Jason.
So, those are the best shots I could get for that night.

Friday night I had a test at school and then a bonfire to celebrate the fact that I am half way done...can you believe it? It is quite exciting for me and especially for my family I'm sure! I have mostly electives from here on out, except for another research class (ugh) so I am looking forward to it. This next class will be the first class that my cohort splits up to go our different tracts, so it will definitely be a little bit different for me! Saturday morning, more class, then I hurried home to get a much needed haircut. I headed to the mall after that and completed ALL of my mall shopping. I foresee no reason to go there again this holiday season (gratefully) -- but while I was there I had some yummy terayaki chicken. After that I headed to Kristina's cheer leading practice...she is really coming along and looking great with her squad. We stopped at the dollar store on the way home to pick up the rest of the stuff I needed for teacher gifts, and then I tried to catch up on some Tivo. I watched Y&R, 3 weeks of Greys, 2 weeks of Brothers & Sisters, and then found myself asleep on the couch at 12:30 AM....YucK! Off to bed I went. I surely wasn't remembering that Aubrey was coming today, until the dogs woke me barking at 7AM.
The precious one was a bit sleepy upon arrival so she quickly took a morning nap. We enjoyed some scrambled eggs with cheese and bacon and read the paper today. (This has become our Sunday morning tradition) She mostly enjoys eating and crinkling up the paper. She is getting so big! She played a bit with Kristina while I ran Brennan to his tournament at Robin's Nest. I stopped at Walgreen's on the way home for some milk for the baby girl and some treat bags for Kristina's friend gifts. Aubrey and I played a bit more, but then she got F-U-S-S-Y :( Poor Beeba, has some trouble with constipation you know...I'm sure she'll appreciate me saying things like that on the blog when she's older :) Anyway, she tried to nap a bit, but was pretty restless until her Mommy arrived. I felt a bit bad, that Shana arrived to a fussy baby, but...what could I do? Shana & Aubrey went home to finish Aubrey's nap, and I finished the paper...I must inventory my Christmas gifts to determine what I have left to buy. Tonight the girls and I will finally put up the "Big" hopefully pics of that will end up on the blog tonight as well. I must run to pick up Brennan from his tournament, and get some ingredients for something yummy for dinner. Just wanted to share one cute photo of Robert, from "Robert Wednesday"

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