Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Needing a long winter's nap

My day started this morning at 3:30- when I got up to scope out the weather. Nahhhhh, doesn't look too bad yet, actually it wasn't doing a thing out. I went and watched the news...no closings. Harlem Schools finally came on about 4:30 -- No School. I remember the days when I would breathe a sigh of relief when my kids were little that they could stay in bed all snuggled up and have no school. We'd seek out Gramma or Grammie to stay home with them, or sometimes they'd go to Michelle's house, but it was always nice to have an unscheduled day to relax :) Now that we're older, the former is not true. My kids have ambitions today. As I woke them at 4:45 to tell them there was no school, I quietly asked, you want to stay in bed, or go to work with me. Both Stephanie and Kristina didn't open their eyes or say a word, but pointed to me to indicate their preference. Brennan opened one sleepy eye and said, I need more sleep. The girls were up and ready in no time and we were off. The subdivision roads were a little slippery, but nothing bad, and the roads to work were just wet pavement, no ice to be found. I made muffins for the staff and for the parents as they dropped their children off this morning. We got through the day. I enjoy these days when we don't have a lot of children, and I can let a lot of staff go home early. The only bummer is the check they get 3 days before Christmas will be short hours for today :( But, it's always a choice if they want to go home, and most people opt to do just that. After work, I ran the kids home, and then had a therapy appointment with one of my most wonderful clients. I hit one patch of ice on the way home (@ 5:30) and other than that....still clear roads. Whew. I am grateful for safe travel today, and that things didn't turn out nearly as bad as the predicted:) Glad to be home with my family tonight. I have some laundry on my list, some Christmas presents to wrap, and cards to start writing. The kids always get excited when the presents start appearing under the tree. I can't wait for Christmas to see their excitement at their new treasures. The Ruch trio requested a Nintendo Wii this year, which I explained to them is not in the budget, but I do believe they'll be equally happy with what I picked out instead :) So, wishing you all a safe and cozy night inside...until next time.

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