Friday, October 31, 2008
An open letter to the Brainchildren at Comcast...
Dear Kings of Stupidity at Comcast,
Let me get this straight. You wake up one morning and decide..."gee, I know these customers have paid MORE THAN $50 A MONTH!!! to get their cable TV for the past 10 years, but I believe today's the day to start removing channels". To which another King of Stupidity replies..."Hey! I have a better idea! Let's take channels away...and if they want them back (those same channels that were included in their package yesterday) we can tell them it'll be $14.99 a month! GENIUS!" NO NO NO my friends it is NOT genius. It is wrong on many levels. How do you take something away that we've had for years and now tell us we're going to have to pay more to get it? WHAT? Whose bright idea was that you morons?!?
Bring on deregulation...I need a choice.
Your least satisfied customer.
Halloween Preview...

Thursday, October 30, 2008
This crazy space that is my mind is overflowing...

When I got the mail the other day and there was a letter from BlogHer and immediately I thought, uh oh...have I violated something? They're cutting me off cuz I'm just too boring and my blog is growing too slowly? NOT SO!!! They're sending me money! Love that! Especially when it's not payday week and we need deodorant and toilet paper...Pennies from Heaven I'll tell ya! OK, maybe I'm just a bit too excited, but it sure was a good time. Some days it doesn't take much to excite me I guess.
Onward...last night I got a text from my most favorite nephew in the whole world...'Where are the Weenie Roast pictures?" Since I am setting a good example of not texting while driving...ahem... I chose not to answer...yes that's the reason. Not because I thought I already put the pictures up here, not because I had to double check and sure enough they were not up here, not because senior moments at 42 are not such a good thing...purely because I DO NOT!!! I repeat DO NOT!!! Text while driving. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it!) So....I do intend to put those pics up here...when, let me see, when....I just can't commit and let me tell you why...
This is Thursday...I am still one Halloween costume short (yes I have teenage trick or treaters) -- I have 1 pumpkin to buy, 3 pumpkins to carve...teacher treats to make and a potluck dish to make for tomorrow...after I put in my 13 hour day today. Really, if there is any down time among us...I will get those pictures posted. Promise!
My son and I had a truly awesome experience last night, that I'm choosing to share on my ketchup only blog @ cuz it fits there better. Take a gander if you have a minute...and have a great Thursday!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sweeeeeeeeet 16...

Monday, October 27, 2008
Where on Earth Have I Been?
My Mama heads back to Sunny Arizona today...and she's very sad to be leaving this terrific weather (not) -- Safe travels Mama!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Happy Birthday...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Take Note
Happy Birthday Kim

Inevitably I pee my pants...
Monday, October 20, 2008
Drum Roll Please...

Friday, October 17, 2008
Screwed up in more ways than one...
I will be spending the weekend with my VERY republican I thought I had to take a moment to firmly establish my VERY democratic self.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Aunt Ruth
The literal world of Autism...
Until next time...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Do you think that'll impact me getting the job? Perhaps he'll think I'm so destitute that I need a new gig? Or will he think, ok that's the weirdest chick I've ever met? Or will he just think...geez I sure hope she gets her car fixed?
Time will tell...he said he'd get back to me in a week. By the way the new job pays more than I make now and I'd get 9 weeks a year off. This could be good...real good, as long as a quiet car isn't a prerequisite!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Do you know what day it is?
Somehow my body reset itself to Monday. So...I discovered about 4:00 today that it was indeed Tuesday, not Monday as I had thought. Here's the I am still pursuing my new job at Easter Seals...well really, they have a different, better job in mind for me I was scheduling my third interview today. When I asked the dude could I come on Wednesday...I found myself it's only Monday...this has been the longest Monday of all time. Then I told him I'd see him Wednesday, which if today REALLY is Tuesday then Wednesday would be tomorrow right? I guess also, since my kids didn't have school yesterday my mind is just really discombobulated. Anyway, swear to Gosh...I just had to look at my calendar to assure myself that today is indeed Tuesday. Isn't it?
Oh yeah...Wednesday tomorrow, my mama arrives from AZ., Interview #3, Precious one to the ortho, Big Girl to the pedicure and eyebrow waxing, Sonshine to the behavior group. I am certain by the end of the day tomorrow I will know what day it is.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Call it what you want...
After much running around Friday night I dropped my precious one's friend off at her friend's dad's house. I went to school with her dad and hadn't seen him in 24 years!! (How can that be if I'm only thirty something?) We played catch up and chatted until WAY too late when I finally went home to crash into bed. 15 hours later I woke up. 3 pm. Really. That's about 3 days worth of sleep for me and man did I need it. Needless to say I had to alter my plans for Saturday as I had quite a large to do list. I ran a few errands and headed to Sarah's for scrap night.

Friday, October 10, 2008
So totally happy to be so totally broke...
So, here is my political plug...the only one you'll see on this ole blog until the day after the election...PLEASE, PULEEEEEZ, do your homework, register to vote, research the candidates, and please vote for the one that has the best chance of getting us out of this mess...for me...I'm voting for 'that one'.
I have to add though that gas has hit $3 a gallon here, and I am breathing a small sigh of relief.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Who are those kids and why do they keep calling me mom?
Monday, October 6, 2008
Forgive me bloggers for i have sinned...
I had school Fri and Sat and am really very ready for that to be done. We have 19 weekends left...19 AND this week I got my graduation application on the ole email! I was just a bit giddy that day and truly cannot wait for graduation. I am also at the 6 month point before my internship is done. Over the next few weeks I plan to begin applying at colleges that I would like to teach at next summer. I absolutely hope to be able to teach at GWC eventually, but I have to be 2 years post grad first. Can you feel it? The winds of change are blowing again!
I had high hopes for this weekend, that were quickly dashed by a migraine....yuck! I finally was to the point yesterday that I slept most of the day and when I tried to get up and do something I just couldn' I took more meds and was off to bed for the night...I have just a slight pounding hopefully, it is on it's way out. The goal...get through the day, the internship, and parent teacher conferences tonight...tomorrow is another day!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The Ruchus Revealed...
It is a rare occasion when I can actually get the Ruchus that is my home captured on video...but this one...well lets just say it's a classic. One for sure to be played at my big girl's wedding or perhaps at her reception for receiving the Nobel peace prize. First of all I have to add that my house remains in a general state of disarray. We've just come to accept it. HOWEVER...note the dining room table in the foreground, cuz here's the thing....I JUST CLEANED IT OFF THE DAY BEFORE!!! REALLY!!! NO LIE!!! Where does all that stuff come from and how does it accumulate so quickly on every flat surface of my house? Someday I''m going to have a house with only vertical surfaces so there is nowhere to sit, lay, forget about, throw, or generally discard anything. Hey, maybe I'd win the Nobel peace prize for that one, eh? Well, without further ado...let me share with you all things Ruchus...
No persons were intentionally harmed in the making of this son can't really tolerate a lot of Ruchus, and sadly he was born into a family with an abundance of it. During the last chorus and grand finale of this performance, he accidentally on purpose tripped his superstar sister at which point a large crash ensued and much much laughter. Sad but true...thereby ending the performance for the night.