My little friends Zoe and Jason cracked me up! Of course they voted in their kindergarten classes and came home to ask their mama who she would vote for...John McCain or Rockubama?
Isn't that classic? Obama definitely did Rock us! Along those same lines, I wanted to share an email that I got on election day. I found it quite moving. From my friend Carlene..."So I went to vote at 6am. Can you believe there was a line out the
door? But as I stood there and connected the arrow for presidential
nominee Barack Obama I knew I was part of history. I pray that the
change this country needs is right around the new year."
History in the making...in our lifetime...and we are all a part of it. Part of the United States of America.
I am a day late on my comment, is that OK? Reason I am late is that I worked at the polls on Tuesday for 15 hours, read 18 court cases yesterday, along with doing Larry's travel plans for Kentuckey and, yesterday, I served on the Foster Care Review Board all day! Today, I did not go to dance at 7:30AM..I just said "No"! Aren't you proud of me?
Anyway, I wanted to say what a pleasant experience I had working the polls on election day. We did not have one disgruntled voter! Our observer, a democrat that was with us from about 2PM til closing at 9PM, told all of us that if a video would be made of the polls on election day, she would hope that it would be our precinct, as she said we were a perfect team, working together..no democrats..no republicans, etc...just Americans! The best part was that I got to meet many of my neighbors. It ended up that the worker that sat next to me all day was a neigbor from 5 house down the street that I never knew before! Gosh, I love being an American and I especially love President-elect Obama and the First Lady Michelle..she rocks too!
Yo mama
I bet the Democratic party would love to hear the "Rockubama" name that this cute little guy came up with! BTW, I stood in voting lines like I'd never seen before! It was well worth it, and so wonderful to see so many out casting their votes and caring about "who" would be running our country again!!!
His campaign staff reportedly calls him No Drama Obama, but I think Rockobamam is more fun!
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