First and foremost...let me congratulate
Heather from the short bus for winning the
petty request contest. If you haven't stopped by the short bus, you really must. I fell in love with Heather's blog when she began sharing her experiences as a preschool parent. As a preschool directer, I love to hear the parenting perspective. Heather writes with the best sense of humor, and seems to have just as crazy things happen to her as have happend to me when the Ruchus was little. Heather won a $50 gift card to Borders or to Barnes & Noble (whichever store is in her neck of the woods) just for reading this blog, voting, and leaving a comment! Hooray for Heather! Hey me your snail mail address and I'll send your gift card right off...happy shopping!
Ok, now onward...
My friend Carlene and I ...

had our very last registration for grad school...hence the big cheese smiles! Even though this picture

with Tasha, Carlene and I isn't super clear and even though we have gum in our is simply the best feeling to be filling out those forms for the last time...

As much as I have loved school, met some super great people, and learned so much...if you have been a reader of this blog, you'll know that I have absolutely not enjoyed the time away from my family and the sacrifices my children and husband have had to make over the past three years. As of today we graduate 6 months from today and as you well know, I can't wait!
An update on the job front: I have my fourth!!! interview for the new job I have now been applying for for the past 3 months. They tell me this is the final interview. So I will soon know whether this is the job for me. As I frequently say...time will tell. Please all you prayers out there, keep a good thought for me on Wednesday at 10:30. Hopefully there will be no
mufflers falling off of my car that day!
Stay tuned this evening for the weekend update...
I WON!! I WON!!! I feel so lucky!! Thanks, girlfriend!!!
And now to the important stuff - 6 more months!! The final countdown! Congratulations! Not everyone could hang in there like you have! You are something special, and GOOD LUCK ON THE FINAL INTERVIEW!!!!!! YAY!!!!
I promise to keep you in my prayers at 10:30AM (8:30AM Mountain time) on Wednesday if you will keep me in yours at 2:00PM (4:00PM central time)the same day while I am getting yet another Angiogram and who knows what from there. Love you lots, yo mama
I will send you my best wishes for the interview. Tomorrow at 17h30 for me. All that work will bring you to success, you deserve it.
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