Friday, November 14, 2008

Sky Watch Friday

In my book, there's nothing like a good sunrise...

I do find myself increasingly frustrated with 'the city' interference on my photos! I see a terrific sunrise or sunset, and then I have to drive to a spot where no buildings, signs, or electrical wires will interfere with my photo. I have found this to be a great spot...a McDonald's parking lot across from a corn interruptions, no intrusions...just a beautiful sun rise... To see other skywatchers from around the world click here. I love love love skywatch Friday and here's I toured the world while sitting at my desk! I added two new blogs to my blogroll...both destinations I either am traveling to (Sanibel Island) or want to travel to (Alaska). I love to get the 'locals' viewpoint on my travel destinations. Take a minute today and travel around the world with Sky Watch Friday!


Catherine said...

It's a wonderful sight, Jacque. What a chance you get your camera!
It looks like a scene of 'Out of Africa'.

Janet said...

I love the sun partially hidden behind the cloud...and that tree...just makes the photo!

Anonymous said...

love the last photo..thanks for dropping by.

Small City Scenes said...

Very beautiful. I know what you mean about stuff in the way but this one is perfect. MB

HeatherPride said...

I love skywatch Friday too, and I'm so glad you brought it back!! Ahhhhh....

Juneau Alaska Photos said...

Greetings from Juneau, Alaska!
Thanks for visiting Juneau Daily Photo. I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed your visit. Stop by any time.
BTW, your Sky Watch photos are beautiful. Nice work!:)

Ingrid said...

Very beautiful ! they look like a painting

AphotoAday said...

Perfect... I'll take a sunrise over a sunset any day of the week...

Baruch said...

A great capture of a gorgeous sunrise. You're right, there is nothing like a beautiful sunrise - it's the best way to start a day!

Grammy said...

Your photos are wonderful!
Have a wonderful weekend!.