Finally!!! Blogger and I have what is affectionately called a love/hate relationship. most days I love it...only because it will let me post pictures (even if only one at a time) which allows me to share my super exciting news with you. This...

arrived in the mail this week! Although it is still sitting in the box by the front door I am so excited to have it. It is my new computer for my scrap room. I have really dreamt of this for oh three years now and finally own my own computer. Kudos to my bubba Tim for telling me exactly what to order and for finding a great deal that was well within my budget. Hope to get it set up in the next few weeks. Along with that, I have been searching for the last few remaining pieces for my scrap desk. The Rockford Target stores no longer carried them. I did an internet search and found that Janesville and Lake Geneva were the only close stores that had them. I wasn't able to get to either last week and when I searched again Janesville was sold out. I nervously scrolled down hoping LG still had them in stock. I was late to school Friday because I surely had to get to Target to make sure I didn't miss out. Sure enough, I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized they had just the final three pieces I needed. One more 3 drawer unit and two units like my friend Sarah has that hold books and little jars for embellishments. So happy to have those and now LG is sold out too, thanks to me! I don't foresee any time to get them put together any time soon, but the worry of them being sold out is behind me. Wouldn't it be awful to have a whole desk and not get the last parts you needed?!? So...grateful to have that off my plate. Or....on my plate waiting to be assembled. Just depends how you look at it I guess.
Drum roll please....My precious one has tried out for the gifted program for the last four years. She is a straight A student and is never absent and is super talented. For the past 3 years she has been on the waiting list, since our district only has 24 seats in the elementary gifted fine arts program. Well, I am please to announce NOT ANY MORE!!!! Shout it from the rooftops!! She made it this year and will be in the Fine Arts in Middle School! I am so excited to have her out of the 'general population' as I affectionately call it and on her way to a sound college bound education.

We have been watching the mail box all week. The letters were supposed to go out Monday. By Thursday I couldn't take it any more and called the school. Um yes, can you tell me exactly when the letters will go out? What's that you say? Friday? Thanks! So Saturday afternoon I raced to the mailbox as soon as I arrived home from school and low and behold there it was. "Dear Mr and Mrs Ruch, This letter is to inform you that Kristina Ruch is eligible to participate in the fine arts academy at HMS." For sure...that is all I needed to read. I filled out the confirmation form and popped it in the mail!! Much to my surprise, my precious one did not jump up and down with excitement. She said, but mom none of my friends will be there. I said, yes, but old friends will be there...and you will see new friends, and most importantly you'll be on your way to a good college prep education. Yes at 12 I am sure that she doesn't worry about that, but I as the mama surely do. Congrats Love! Mom is so proud of you.
Weekend update...I went to church this morning-- and it was so nice. I made cinnamon rolls this morning, which is our new Sunday morning tradition. I love to wake the kids up to a yummy smelling house. They seem to get up better if there is a yummy awaiting them. :) I felt very 'connected' and peaceful today. The church was packed to install our new worship pastor. All in all a very nice service. After that I stopped to pick up Ang and we were off to the family arts festival at the Discovery Center. We worked there for about 3 hours helping little ones with an art project. It amazes me how many parents say no...for fear of getting 'dirty' and how many children stand off and look at us like we're crazy. "Stifled" is all I can think of and hope that they'll find their creative side at some point in life. We saw 6 or 8 friends from my school there and my friend Stacie was there with Ben and Joey. After a minute I got to talk with Joey and he gave me a big hug. That was so nice. I think sometimes he can place me and sometimes he's not so sure. I told him that we'd have a chicken leg picnic soon and by golly if the weather ever gets above 40 [ugh!] that is the FIRST thing on my list.
I came home for a quick nap, picked Brennan up from his tournament, stopped at the grocery store and made yummy chicken and gravy, mashed, and California blend for dinner. I am sure it will be the only home cooked meal this week, so I am surely enjoying it. I got up at 6 this morning to try to catch up on a few TV shows and some laundry. I need to write out the schedule for the week, more laundry, and read the paper before crashing...
Until next time...
Hey! Aubrey's school was at the Discovery Center too! I couldn't make it. :( This week is the Week of the Young Child. We have prepped and turned in everything except a basket raffle item. They were raffling them on Sunday at the center, but you must have been present to win. Bummer. Maybe next year!
Yeah, we saw some of the staff there...and of course lots of kids :)
Your daughter Kristina will be in Fine Arts class in her Scholl. Will she attend one Art in particular, or does her school is specialised in different art classes? Anyway, it sounds fabulous. Tell her it's never easy to leave one school,loose one's friends, and to arrive in a new school, (even for others students of her future class), but, as usual, one week later, we meet new friends, and life goes on.
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