Friday, April 11, 2008

Search Data

I always find it interesting, in my abundance of free time, to see what people are searching for that brings up my blog. Now, you know if you ever use Google, that you might get 10 relevant searches and about 2 million that are not. I have for you, the latest searches that brought up my blog. They are...

buzz hair cut
big ruchus - we have a lot of that to offer
her husband her braces -- yup we have one of those and are soon to get the other
what's holy week - really, someone doesn't know what that is?
Guinness book of records - bingo game -- ummmm, can't think of the last time I played bingo
meemp - Can you believe it??? Some one searched for meemp

And last but not least, my all time favorite ...

dry engine sound - I find this very ironic, since I try at all costs to avoid this by putting oil in my car about every 3 days....and truly, have never blogged about it! Perhaps my husband was searching?!? :)

Until next time...

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