Friday, April 4, 2008

Jet Lag

Feeling a bit of jet lag today, which is sure to get worse this weekend. I will be leaving for school return tomorrow and then head to my great nephew's 1st birthday. Hopefully, upon our return on Sunday, I can do laundry, homework, and then collapse.

Last night I had a minute to watch Oprah's big give. FOR SURE!!! This is my show. If she has this show again, (and I'm not in school) I feel the need to definitely try to be a contestant. What an awesome experience!

Meeting my friend Carlene for dinner tonight at Chili's...Quesadilla explosion here I come!

Have you registered to be an organ donor yet?

Until next time...

1 comment:

Candi Tardio said...

have u tried the boneless shanghai wings??? those r my fave :) soooo yummy!!!