Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Internship #2

I finally have my internship schedule finalized for round 2 which begins June 1st. I am SO SO SO VERY excited to say that I will only be working 2 nights!!!! Monday and Tuesday...that will leave me Wed. nights to teach, and Thursday night to be home. (Although there is a group I'd like to go to when I can on Thursdays) I also got the schedule for my psychiatric clerkship rotation. There are 24 different lectures I can attend in this series and the topics are all very interesting. I will be co-facilitating 4 groups of children of various ages with autism, and working at a mental health clinic in a middle school and high school one afternoon a week. I will have a client load there of 15 - 20 students, and then in my free time, I will provide individual therapy to 6 - 8 clients at the College. I am so looking forward to having an extra night available, especially since most school activities are on Thursday. I believe that my children will be happy too :) I have 10 weeks left of my current internship and counting. I have learned so much there, and the staff and clients have been so supportive. Maybe instead of 3 years of classes, we all should have done 6 - 8 internships! My cohort would kill me if they heard me say that! But it sure has been a learning experience.

Until next time...

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