Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Am I caught up yet?
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Happy Birthday!

The Search Continues
Monday, April 28, 2008
60,000 dollars
Until next time...
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Hey There Little Mama!

No Pressure Blogging

To school, I bid farewell...for a while
Well, as you know a few weeks ago I walked into class and realized a paper was due. Can you believe that the very same thing happened to my pal Carlene? It did! And really it was my fault, cuz I borrowed her syllabus and never gave it back.
Although we didn't have school Saturday, Carlene and I both stayed at the hotel due to the exhaustion level. I only brought my toothbrush and jammies and planned to eat at the hotel and drive home early Saturday morning. Much to my surprise, I was awakened at 10:45 when the cleaning lady walked in! Evidently Deb and Carlene had both gotten up and left and I didn't hear a thing. I must say that 12 hours of sleep was the best! Of course I came home and took a two hour nap-- and then headed off to scrap night with the girls...
More on that later.
Attack of the killer lettuce
The other night I was enjoying a very tasty salad from Beef-A-Roo. The dogs of course were begging as usual so I thought I'd try some experiments. First I started with broccoli...will they eat it plain? Nope....Will they eat it with ranch dressing? Yup...Will they eat cucumbers plain? Nope...will they eat them with ranch dressing? the midst of all this experimenting I continued to eat. Clearly, not using my best table manners I stuck a glob of lettuce on my fork and without looking proceeded to try to put it in my mouth. {Picture a piece of lettuce about 4 inches long stuck on the end of my fork} As soon as I took a bite I felt something go up my nose...I immediately started sneezing, spitting, and trying to get the enourmous piece of lettuce out that, yes, was sticking out of my nose. I also immediately began laughing uncontrollably. After finally regaining my composure I looked up from the table to see my husband and son in the den looking at me, trying to figure out what exactly was happening. It took me a few minutes to try to explain what happened (all the while nearly wetting my pants from laughing so hard). Note to self...take a minute to look before you put the food in your mouth!
Until next time...
Thursday, April 24, 2008
My precious one went to see Wicked in Chicago yesterday. Remember this is the field trip I was supposed to go on, but then couldn't? Well, evidently she had a second grade teacher as a chaperon who was quite cranky and wouldn't let them buy souvenirs or talk on the train. Here is the question....why do you work with children if you are cranky?!? Get yourself a career in shipping and receiving where you can be cranky with boxes all day. Get the point?
Tomorrow is my last day of school as a second year student. [words cannot describe the pure elation here] I told my friend Carlene that I wasn't sure what I was thinking when I first sat in those desks that I thought it'd be ok to be there for 3 years. Yes...3 years....1095 days. And now...I am down to 381 days. My husband nearly blew a gasket the other night when I mentioned getting my PhD, but really I must do what you have to do, to ensure your income remains at a level that can compete with this awful economy. Really, I try to not let this kind of stuff bother me, since it is typically things I have no control over...but you do really wonder how high prices can go and people will still be able to 'make it'. So for me, if that means 1095 days of school, then I must commit. And commit I have...
Until next time...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Administrative Professionals Day

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Happy Earth Day!
Yesterday I had my final eval at my current internship. I was REALLY super nervous...and all for naught. It went really well and all I have left to do is finish up the next two weeks. Yesterday at work I set some goals that have put my life much more in order. I had a very productive day. I was home with my family last night for the first time in weeks and it felt SOOOOO good! Kristina and I went to Target, Steph went to school where she is helping as a stage hand for the 'Share the music' production coming up and I helped Brennan with his homework. I watched two episodes of Y&R and we grilled out steaks. OMG! Being home AND having a home cooked meal was like I'd died and gone to heaven. My new internship schedule is SO much better. I'll be home by 6 2 nights, home at 8 one night, and home at 4:00 the other. Perhaps that will facilitate me actually being able to catch up the laundry! (Yes, it's a long lost dream of mine!) Enjoy this beautiful day!
Until next time...
Monday, April 21, 2008
Merry Christmas

Until next time...
Saturday, April 19, 2008
S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night
Until next time...
Friday, April 18, 2008
Nothing to say yet so much to say
Until next time...
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Until next time...
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008
Although I hate the snow and the rain and the cold, the sunny days make it harder not living my regular life; the life I know and love. The life that invovles naps in the hammock and time spent in my garden not thinking about one thing, time at the pool with my kids, and time running them wherever they need to be. The good part of the new internship is that I'll be home Wed and Thur to watch my girls play softball. You can be sure you'll find me at the ball diamond definitely NOT wishing my life away.
Until next time...
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Exciting News!

Drum roll please....My precious one has tried out for the gifted program for the last four years. She is a straight A student and is never absent and is super talented. For the past 3 years she has been on the waiting list, since our district only has 24 seats in the elementary gifted fine arts program. Well, I am please to announce NOT ANY MORE!!!! Shout it from the rooftops!! She made it this year and will be in the Fine Arts in Middle School! I am so excited to have her out of the 'general population' as I affectionately call it and on her way to a sound college bound education.

Weekend update...I went to church this morning-- and it was so nice. I made cinnamon rolls this morning, which is our new Sunday morning tradition. I love to wake the kids up to a yummy smelling house. They seem to get up better if there is a yummy awaiting them. :) I felt very 'connected' and peaceful today. The church was packed to install our new worship pastor. All in all a very nice service. After that I stopped to pick up Ang and we were off to the family arts festival at the Discovery Center. We worked there for about 3 hours helping little ones with an art project. It amazes me how many parents say no...for fear of getting 'dirty' and how many children stand off and look at us like we're crazy. "Stifled" is all I can think of and hope that they'll find their creative side at some point in life. We saw 6 or 8 friends from my school there and my friend Stacie was there with Ben and Joey. After a minute I got to talk with Joey and he gave me a big hug. That was so nice. I think sometimes he can place me and sometimes he's not so sure. I told him that we'd have a chicken leg picnic soon and by golly if the weather ever gets above 40 [ugh!] that is the FIRST thing on my list.
I came home for a quick nap, picked Brennan up from his tournament, stopped at the grocery store and made yummy chicken and gravy, mashed, and California blend for dinner. I am sure it will be the only home cooked meal this week, so I am surely enjoying it. I got up at 6 this morning to try to catch up on a few TV shows and some laundry. I need to write out the schedule for the week, more laundry, and read the paper before crashing...
Until next time...
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Thanks to those that continually bail out my butt...
Now, on to other topics. I HATE BLOGGER!!!! Why are there times that we cannot upload photos? I hate that. I have great photos and great stories to go with them, but I cannot upload today for some reason and yes I've tried from 3 different computers, all with no luck. So, perhaps tomorrow. But here's a brief look at today. I got in a 4 hour nap, and feel human once again. I have to pick up Steph from her field trip into Chicago any minute, and pick up Kristina from a movie. Then we're off to my work to prepare for the family arts festival tomorrow. Church in the morning, then the arts festival, then a brief nap, then I AM GOING TO WORK ON MY SCRAP ROOM TOMORROW. I have a few new surprises to share once the photo thing is working. Tonight...I talked my son into catching up the dishes. I am determined to find the dining room table again, and to get some laundry done. I don't get to see my baby Aubrey tomorrow because of the arts festival...but surely am looking forward to having her in two weeks. I think Auntie may need to find some time between now and then to sneak her in, because she is changing so fast!! I did get to talk to her on the phone today. She is still speaking a language only understood to her, but is learning a new word every day according to her mommy. So sorry bout tomorrow fritzelcookie...I'll see you soon :)
The Tivo is full and deleting things since I am so far behind on hope to catch up on that early tomorrow morning, before church. Oh, and speaking of church...I'm speaking at church on the 20th regarding Organ Donation. Hope to see you there!
One final note....Cassie lass, if you're out there, I need a new email address for you...AND give Gabe a kiss for me.
Until next time...
Friday, April 11, 2008
Search Data
buzz hair cut
big ruchus - we have a lot of that to offer
her husband her braces -- yup we have one of those and are soon to get the other
what's holy week - really, someone doesn't know what that is?
Guinness book of records - bingo game -- ummmm, can't think of the last time I played bingo
meemp - Can you believe it??? Some one searched for meemp
And last but not least, my all time favorite ...
dry engine sound - I find this very ironic, since I try at all costs to avoid this by putting oil in my car about every 3 days....and truly, have never blogged about it! Perhaps my husband was searching?!? :)
Until next time...
Thursday, April 10, 2008
No Pain, No Gain
Until next time...
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
My new blog list
This is the one!

Who's That Girl?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Couldn't be prouder...
Ms. Senior Arizona
Can you say fabulous?!?

My great nephew Robert had his school pictures taken at my center...look how cute he is!

Until next time...
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Happy Birthday Dylan

After the party, we headed back to the hotel for swimming. Unfortunately...we stayed in a brand new hotel and the pool wasn't open yet. Kristina was so disappointed. I went to the front desk to inquire and the lady said we could swim at the Country Inn and Suites...which was across the street. So...we were off. Brennan, Kristina and I all swam. The pool was brand new and really warm. After I swam a bit...I was sitting along side the pool and noticed Brennan's goggles. Ummmmm, dude, what's on your goggles? Yes, I believe it says 'Remove before use' yes, yes, it does! After we peeled off the protective coating, Brennan said...Man, I can see so much better now! Go figure. After so much running and playing and swimming, it wasn't long before he pooped out
We had a great night's sleep and met everyone for Breakfast this morning. Kelly, his girlfriend, two daughters, grandson, Deb, Sarah, Rob, Rebecca, Dylan and us! 15 in all. After breakfast it was time to hit the road...Bye Rob, Rebecca, and Dylan....
Thanks for hosting a great party!
Until next time...
Friday, April 4, 2008
LB December KOM
Jet Lag
Last night I had a minute to watch Oprah's big give. FOR SURE!!! This is my show. If she has this show again, (and I'm not in school) I feel the need to definitely try to be a contestant. What an awesome experience!
Meeting my friend Carlene for dinner tonight at Chili's...Quesadilla explosion here I come!
Have you registered to be an organ donor yet?
Until next time...
Thursday, April 3, 2008
I just wanted to let you all know to check out the link to the right for CF husband. This is a blog I've been reading about a family who is waiting for a double lung transplant. Since April is Organ donor Awareness month....PLEASE pray for this family and sign up to be a donor if you haven't already. PLEASE don't take your organs to Heaven....Heaven knows we need them on Earth.