So, the snow came as a bit of shock this morning, since I haven't had a minute to watch the weather all week. It caught me a bit off guard. My dogs are so tired of it that they have now resorted to going potty on the deck....[grumble, grumble]
Last night we were at the center til 8 or so for Dr. Seuss night. This morning came too bright and too early for me. We had 130 people last night so the event was a great success. At home, we are in the process of getting ready for Kristina's birthday.
Tonight I will have 6 preteen girls over for a slumber party and then we're off to build-a-bear tomorrow and Rain Forest Cafe...after that, we'll come home to send those girls home and sleep til Sunday morning when my baby Aubrey comes to visit!!
I'll have to rush home tonight finish cleaning, pick up a cake, and buy her present still...
OK, so the update on the teacher's lounge/classroom....The teacher replied that yes the coffee pot is in there, they don't pop popcorn too often, and really only a couple teachers are in and out to get coffee during Brennan's math class. I made the suggestion that perhaps there is an actual teacher's lounge or perhaps one of the million offices in the building would be a better place for the coffee pot. Why do I feel like I need to tell these people with Master's Degrees that a dose of common sense would be a good thing? As of this morning I haven't gotten a response to my request to move the coffee maker...Brennan has ISAT testing next week which means he'll be on an altered schedule. (Just when we are getting him to catch the bus every day)...Also, there is a big pokemon tournament this weekend that Brennan will be at. So, it seems a busy weekend is in store. Stephanie wants to squeeze in the icehogs game on Sat. night since Emily Osmont will be there...perhaps we'll make that event if we aren't too exhausted!
Happy Friday!! Until next time...
Friday, February 29, 2008
More Snow? Who knew?
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Class in the teacher's lounge?
So, thought I'd touch briefly today on overcrowding in schools. So, yes my son's school is desperately overcrowded, and the board is looking at fixing that situation. One of my son's classes is in what I thought was the former teachers lounge. Today, my son said, "Mom, could you call the school about the coffee smell?" "Pardon?" Said I...for those of you that know me, I find coffee to be one of the most repulsive smells ever and have actually banned the brewing of it in our house since having my first child and the smell of coffee promptly made me throw up. Well, evidently my son shares my same distaste for coffee....which ordinarily wouldn't be a problem for a middle schooler...except....that evidently the room that my son's math class is in (which I thought was formerly a teacher's lounge) is still used to brew coffee, pop popcorn, heat things up in the microwave, etc....evidently while his class is going on. Oddddddd. Yes, my son in addition to autism has a healthy dose of ADHD to go along with it so really the teachers' coming in and out to get their coffee maybe isn't the best learning environment for him. So, off goes another email to the school today about what I believe is a common sense decision to perhaps move the coffee maker elsewhere. But time will tell....and so begins another day~ Until next time...
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Internship #2
I finally have my internship schedule finalized for round 2 which begins June 1st. I am SO SO SO VERY excited to say that I will only be working 2 nights!!!! Monday and Tuesday...that will leave me Wed. nights to teach, and Thursday night to be home. (Although there is a group I'd like to go to when I can on Thursdays) I also got the schedule for my psychiatric clerkship rotation. There are 24 different lectures I can attend in this series and the topics are all very interesting. I will be co-facilitating 4 groups of children of various ages with autism, and working at a mental health clinic in a middle school and high school one afternoon a week. I will have a client load there of 15 - 20 students, and then in my free time, I will provide individual therapy to 6 - 8 clients at the College. I am so looking forward to having an extra night available, especially since most school activities are on Thursday. I believe that my children will be happy too :) I have 10 weeks left of my current internship and counting. I have learned so much there, and the staff and clients have been so supportive. Maybe instead of 3 years of classes, we all should have done 6 - 8 internships! My cohort would kill me if they heard me say that! But it sure has been a learning experience.
Until next time...
Until next time...
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Travel Safely Today
Aren't we all so very excited about yet another snow storm!?! Gee, I know I am! I'm asking you all to say a prayer for the 'person in the truck' this morning, that was broadsided on the driver's side by a snow plow...not just a regular 3 ton snow plow, but one of those kind with the big bucket...the heavy equipment kind :( Saw that this morning at 5:30 at Spring Creek and Mulford, and that put the whole day in perspective for me. Take a minute today to be thankful for your health and safety and for the health and safety of those you love. Enjoy the beauty of the snowfall today, (and it is beautiful) and stay safe. 

Until next time...
Monday, February 25, 2008
Super Funnest Weekend Ever!

These are Stephanie's fabulous Jonas Mosaic Shoes...

Friday came and went and Saturday morning brought my last class. I hurried home after school and headed to the mall with the whole family. We haven't done that in such a long time! Kevin and Brennan had gone to the mall on Friday night (odd isn't it) and Kevin ordered him an airbrushed Narato shirt...that had to be picked up on Saturday. I'll have to put up a picture of him in his cool new shirt...we got Nina some new desperately needed shoes, and I was glad that I got her new baby phat shoes for more than 50% off. She also got some polka dotted converse that are really cute...after a bit of shopping and looking at new cars (since the car show was there) we stopped in the food court for my favorite of all time...terayaki chicken...yummmmm!!!

While we were eating, the boys decided to lift their shirts and show off their chests. I told them, that I don't lift my shirt cuz they'd see my fat rolls...Jason said, yeah and your boobs! To which Ethan replied....Gross! Gee, good thing I'm not the sensitive type! Despite their craziness, we had so much fun. I REALLY can't wait for spring when we can picnic outside again. They were begging me to go on a 'chicken leg picnic' the other day when it was 5 below...I said, the very first 70 degree're on!
Finally, when we picked up Jason & Zoe, I commented that I was so glad to see that they had their lights up still, (they were off of course) because really it has just been too cold, snowy, rainy, icy etc. to take them down. Mark and Angie said, yeah, we're hoping no one notices... So....when we pulled up and saw this...

Until next time...
Friday, February 22, 2008
JOBROS here we come!

This is it! Today is the day! We're on our way! In 12 short hours we will be at the Jo Bro concert, AND I will have a new camera battery to document it all on film for your viewing pleasure! I thought I'd be clever and download a bunch of JoBro music, but the dumb site had nothing for JoBro. How Rude!!! My daughters are wearing their pants with the silver holographic letters "JONAS" down the side and of course the name of their favorite on the butt ;) I just can't wait to see the excitement this evening...oh and then to drag my tired butt to school tomorrow...woooppeeeee
Thursday, February 21, 2008
My husband called me at work today and mumbled the word that can evoke fear in wives (whose laundry is way far behind like mine) all over the hello, no goodmorning, no where in the @&$(%# are the socks?, just ...... socks...... and sadly, I know exactly what he meant. Especially since I am wearing Kristina's baseball socks today. (Folded down of course to look 'normal', whatever that is) So, I said to hubby....what about that big pile in front of your dresser, stacked on top of the clean laundry waiting to be put away? You know the pile of about 400 odd socks that have no match? I mean really, there is an icecubes chance in you know where that you'll find a pair in there, and if your not that lucky, perhaps you'll at least be lucky enough to find two that fit you! "ok" he said, hung up and that was that. Good that he can see things my way :) I'm sure that lends itself to why we get along so well. Only 15 months to go family and we'll have matched up socks. OK, no probably not, we rarely had matched socks before grad school, so it's probably a pipe dream to imagine we'll have them after grad school.
The second topic for today is glasses. My husband must get some new glasses. He really enjoys this black pair of reading glasses, you know the half lens kind like the nutty professor wears. AND, he believes he'll get a chain to put around his neck so he will never lose them! Um, you're kidding right?!? I had to use the 'D' word in the discussion about him possibly wearing his glasses on an old lady chain. So....being the fantastic enabler that I am...let me make him an eye Dr. appointment today.
Until next time...
PS...the Jo Bro concert is tomorrow and the atmosphere in my house is just a bit over the top!!
The second topic for today is glasses. My husband must get some new glasses. He really enjoys this black pair of reading glasses, you know the half lens kind like the nutty professor wears. AND, he believes he'll get a chain to put around his neck so he will never lose them! Um, you're kidding right?!? I had to use the 'D' word in the discussion about him possibly wearing his glasses on an old lady chain. So....being the fantastic enabler that I am...let me make him an eye Dr. appointment today.
Until next time...
PS...the Jo Bro concert is tomorrow and the atmosphere in my house is just a bit over the top!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Happy Birthday Robert
Yesterday Robert turned three and started his Special Education classes in the city prek program. He happily bounded off the bus like no body's business and seemed no worse for the wear. He told me he played with cars and trucks and was excited to bring home his first library book :) He was in the door about 4 seconds when he said...."EAT?!?" Evidently preschool brings on quite the appetite!
I still have no camera battery and was waiting to post this until then, but we finally got our girl scout cookie order all straightened out I finally have all varieties for sale. $3.50 a box....see me if you'd like to buy some!
Stephanie's shoes came yesterday and they are super cute, and they fit!! [WHEW] Oh, I forgot this has been a secret {shhhh} I ordered Stephanie some mosaic Jonas Brothers shoes to wear to the concert...when they came, OMG they were too cute, and I'm seriously considering ordering some Kenny Chesney ones! Of course, she loved them, and of course Kristina wondered why she didn't get any...(I tried to explain to her that her feet are still growing but she'd have no part of it!)
Be careful on the ice, since the entire city is like one large ice rink...the hospitals are swamped I bet with falls. Be safe friends! For all you in warmer climates ---- no comment.
Until next time...
I still have no camera battery and was waiting to post this until then, but we finally got our girl scout cookie order all straightened out I finally have all varieties for sale. $3.50 a box....see me if you'd like to buy some!
Stephanie's shoes came yesterday and they are super cute, and they fit!! [WHEW] Oh, I forgot this has been a secret {shhhh} I ordered Stephanie some mosaic Jonas Brothers shoes to wear to the concert...when they came, OMG they were too cute, and I'm seriously considering ordering some Kenny Chesney ones! Of course, she loved them, and of course Kristina wondered why she didn't get any...(I tried to explain to her that her feet are still growing but she'd have no part of it!)
Be careful on the ice, since the entire city is like one large ice rink...the hospitals are swamped I bet with falls. Be safe friends! For all you in warmer climates ---- no comment.
Until next time...
Monday, February 18, 2008
Congrats are in order!
My friend Carlene received an internship position at Rosecrance today. I am so excited for her! OK, really I'm mostly excited for me cuz I want her to move to Rockford and now at least she'll be working here a few days a week :) The Rosecrance program is extremely competitive with usually over 200 interns trying to secure one of their 12 spots. Carlene has SO much experience and she is going to do such a great job...I am just so excited for her!! I'm also hoping it'll work out that we can carpool to school on the weekend...that would really be great! SO! Congratulations my friend on a job well done! (We're one step closer to opening our private practice together :)
I called today about my internship to secure my hours and get my id badge done and all of that.I thought I'd try to get that all in order over the next few weeks that I don't have school. Softball registration is March 8th so I really want to have my schedule in order before then so my kids will know what to expect from me over the feels so nice to be home tonight. Grandma came over for dinner and to go to Nina's game. At the last minute the other team forfeited, so Kristina ended up going to a movie with a friend instead. I plan to read and relax a minute and then continue to conquer the laundry. Good night all...until next time...
I called today about my internship to secure my hours and get my id badge done and all of that.I thought I'd try to get that all in order over the next few weeks that I don't have school. Softball registration is March 8th so I really want to have my schedule in order before then so my kids will know what to expect from me over the feels so nice to be home tonight. Grandma came over for dinner and to go to Nina's game. At the last minute the other team forfeited, so Kristina ended up going to a movie with a friend instead. I plan to read and relax a minute and then continue to conquer the laundry. Good night all...until next time...
Grateful for only one job today :)
As busy as my one job is, I am so grateful that my internship is closed today, so will be off there. That will give me a chance to finish my kitchen cleaning, and put away the 8 loads I did yesterday, plus perhaps wash some more today. I have my United Way grant due at work very shortly and it is the first time I have written that one. So...send positive thoughts my way that there'll be some sort of Divine assistance with the writing today :)
Our whole family went to church yesterday and it was so nice to be together. Usually I'm in the pew by myself, so having Kevin there was so nice. Brennan really seems to be enjoying youth group much better than he enjoyed Sunday School. Stephanie decided to go to church instead of youth group, so I actually had lots of company :) Our church has a youth missions trip coming up this summer to the four corners. Steph doesn't think she wants to go, but perhaps she'll change her mind. Kristina, of course, yelled from the back seat that she wanted to go. Sadly, it's only for high schoolers...she'll have to wait 2 years. We went to Beeefaroo for lunch then dropped Brennan at his tournament.
Steph has her musical coming up soon and Art's place auditions. We're not sure if Upward Bound will excuse her from the summer to go to Art's place at which point I think she's decided to choose Art's place over Upward Bound...but time will tell. It's a long story about weather UB consider's Art's place to be an educational experience...I'll not comment, cuz it probably won't be nice.
Seems the time of year when we 'need' so many things. Why are my kids outgrowing things faster than I can possibly buy them. We are hoping for taxes anyday and that will surely relieve a bit of the financial crunch. Spring and Softball will be here before we know it and I surely can't wait! I'm in the final weeks of this internship (11 weeks to go) and only 7 classes until I graduate. Although that doesn't sound like a lot it's still 42 weeks of school and 42 weekends away from home, but I am definitely feeling like it's all going to be worth it. I love my new social work work, and am also looking forward to teaching at the college level. That is definitley a passion I didn't realize I loved so much...but can't wait to get started! I can't wait for the weather to break...hate to complain but my joints and wrists and arms have been so achy. I am sure warm weather will help. I'm looking forward to Kristina being in Middle School. She wants to try out for sports and probably everything else they have to offer. She is such a passionate learner and has been such a help to her brother. His diploma should probably have both of their names on it when he graduates...cuz she is like his own little tutor!
Gotta run, and get lot's done...until next time!
Our whole family went to church yesterday and it was so nice to be together. Usually I'm in the pew by myself, so having Kevin there was so nice. Brennan really seems to be enjoying youth group much better than he enjoyed Sunday School. Stephanie decided to go to church instead of youth group, so I actually had lots of company :) Our church has a youth missions trip coming up this summer to the four corners. Steph doesn't think she wants to go, but perhaps she'll change her mind. Kristina, of course, yelled from the back seat that she wanted to go. Sadly, it's only for high schoolers...she'll have to wait 2 years. We went to Beeefaroo for lunch then dropped Brennan at his tournament.
Steph has her musical coming up soon and Art's place auditions. We're not sure if Upward Bound will excuse her from the summer to go to Art's place at which point I think she's decided to choose Art's place over Upward Bound...but time will tell. It's a long story about weather UB consider's Art's place to be an educational experience...I'll not comment, cuz it probably won't be nice.
Seems the time of year when we 'need' so many things. Why are my kids outgrowing things faster than I can possibly buy them. We are hoping for taxes anyday and that will surely relieve a bit of the financial crunch. Spring and Softball will be here before we know it and I surely can't wait! I'm in the final weeks of this internship (11 weeks to go) and only 7 classes until I graduate. Although that doesn't sound like a lot it's still 42 weeks of school and 42 weekends away from home, but I am definitely feeling like it's all going to be worth it. I love my new social work work, and am also looking forward to teaching at the college level. That is definitley a passion I didn't realize I loved so much...but can't wait to get started! I can't wait for the weather to break...hate to complain but my joints and wrists and arms have been so achy. I am sure warm weather will help. I'm looking forward to Kristina being in Middle School. She wants to try out for sports and probably everything else they have to offer. She is such a passionate learner and has been such a help to her brother. His diploma should probably have both of their names on it when he graduates...cuz she is like his own little tutor!
Gotta run, and get lot's done...until next time!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Rain, rain please stay
In place of the 6 - 12 inches of snow we're supposed to get today we're having a downpour instead. Let me be the first to say I appreciate the downpour. I am desperately hoping it will melt the 8 inches of ice on my driveway before someone gets killed (like me this morning walking out in my nightgown to get the paper!) It was all I could do to not fall on my butt, all the while the vision of me falling in my shorty nightgown and getting up all soaking wet was a bit more than I could bear! But...I am still happy for the rain. I have never in my life felt like I wanted spring so badly. Perhaps it was the almost two weeks of clouds, snow, and oh let's don't forget the below zero temps. Joy!
Yesterday it was so sunny and warm (to coin a phrase...if 30 degrees is warm) that I opened my sunroof a bit on the way home from school. If you have the heat on high you can drive 70 with the sunroof open you know! So anyway the sunshine and the fresh air was SOOOOOO delightful!
A quick catch up from the weekend...Friday night I did my presentation on autism. My teacher said I should really use if to teach inservices for teachers and that I should send it to schools and see if they would hire me. Well....I really thought about that for about 1 nano second...and decided that that, too would have to wait until after May of 09, along with about 40 thousand other things.
Saturday I left school and hurried home for Kristina's cheercital. She did a great job and man have they come a long way!! Kevin was all teary eyed watching his baby girl...and of course we had to buy the DVD, so as soon as it gets here, I'll post it on the blog. The coach of the 5/6 year olds was a bit odd, in that she had her girls do their stuff, but stood in front of them, facing the audience and performed the whole routine in her socks! Ummmm, there is a term for such a thing that would not be politically correct to post on here, but it was definitely Machesney Parkish.... sad. Kristina's squad however looked great and there was no coach in site. :) I told Kev that I sure would love to coach those 5/6 year cute would that be? But alas, that too must wait until May of 09.
After the cheercital we left and went to Robert's 3rd birthday party-- I'll post the few pics I got before my battery went dead I'm feeling a bit too lazy at the moment. We stopped at Target where I got out for a miraculous $38 even with 3 kids in tow! I saw my friend Jan there. I almost wrote my BFF Jan, but had to stop myself. She and I were the closest of friends for so long, and she surely holds a special place in my heart. But time gets away from us and friendships change as did ours. She is one I hope to see more frequently since her husband has passed away and her kids both live out of state. I'm gonna just have to 'put her on the calendar'. She's one that can't wait til May of 09!
I got an email that Kristina's 'get to know me' was in the newspaper can read it here Thanks, Stacie for the email, since I didn't see the paper yesterday :)
I am off today to complete 80 loads of laundry.The socks are already washing in my fabulous new washer...I'm gonna read the paper, do the dishes, pay some bills, go to church, take a nap...and stay inside from the rain...oh wait, Kevin and I are supposed to go on our valentine date today....That, depends on the weather. Until next time...
Yesterday it was so sunny and warm (to coin a phrase...if 30 degrees is warm) that I opened my sunroof a bit on the way home from school. If you have the heat on high you can drive 70 with the sunroof open you know! So anyway the sunshine and the fresh air was SOOOOOO delightful!
A quick catch up from the weekend...Friday night I did my presentation on autism. My teacher said I should really use if to teach inservices for teachers and that I should send it to schools and see if they would hire me. Well....I really thought about that for about 1 nano second...and decided that that, too would have to wait until after May of 09, along with about 40 thousand other things.
Saturday I left school and hurried home for Kristina's cheercital. She did a great job and man have they come a long way!! Kevin was all teary eyed watching his baby girl...and of course we had to buy the DVD, so as soon as it gets here, I'll post it on the blog. The coach of the 5/6 year olds was a bit odd, in that she had her girls do their stuff, but stood in front of them, facing the audience and performed the whole routine in her socks! Ummmm, there is a term for such a thing that would not be politically correct to post on here, but it was definitely Machesney Parkish.... sad. Kristina's squad however looked great and there was no coach in site. :) I told Kev that I sure would love to coach those 5/6 year cute would that be? But alas, that too must wait until May of 09.
After the cheercital we left and went to Robert's 3rd birthday party-- I'll post the few pics I got before my battery went dead I'm feeling a bit too lazy at the moment. We stopped at Target where I got out for a miraculous $38 even with 3 kids in tow! I saw my friend Jan there. I almost wrote my BFF Jan, but had to stop myself. She and I were the closest of friends for so long, and she surely holds a special place in my heart. But time gets away from us and friendships change as did ours. She is one I hope to see more frequently since her husband has passed away and her kids both live out of state. I'm gonna just have to 'put her on the calendar'. She's one that can't wait til May of 09!
I got an email that Kristina's 'get to know me' was in the newspaper can read it here Thanks, Stacie for the email, since I didn't see the paper yesterday :)
I am off today to complete 80 loads of laundry.The socks are already washing in my fabulous new washer...I'm gonna read the paper, do the dishes, pay some bills, go to church, take a nap...and stay inside from the rain...oh wait, Kevin and I are supposed to go on our valentine date today....That, depends on the weather. Until next time...
Friday, February 15, 2008
NIU Shooting
Latest Information
6:14 a.m. CST, 2/15/08
The DeKalb County Coroner's office has confirmed a seventh fatality from the shootings that took place on campus yesterday.
NIU has scheduled a news conference for 9 a.m. CST today in the Altgeld Hall Auditorium.
Sadly, the above is the news update from the NIU website. It is very scary when I am online at least once a week searching violence rates for colleges that my precious daughter may want to go to.
Please keep the NIU community in your prayers. News updates are available at
6:14 a.m. CST, 2/15/08
The DeKalb County Coroner's office has confirmed a seventh fatality from the shootings that took place on campus yesterday.
NIU has scheduled a news conference for 9 a.m. CST today in the Altgeld Hall Auditorium.
Sadly, the above is the news update from the NIU website. It is very scary when I am online at least once a week searching violence rates for colleges that my precious daughter may want to go to.
Please keep the NIU community in your prayers. News updates are available at
Tag Your It!
I don't usually take time to do these things...but here it goes!
1.What is in the back seat of your car right now? Some self esteem building games for my clients, an enormous garbage bag of Panera Bread, work, work, work, homework, crumbs---and I'm sure a piece of fast food garbage or two.
2. When was the last time you threw up? I can't remember, but the most memorable time was by far when I threw up while driving.
3. What's your favorite curse word?'s very universal and it's not really a swear I think God like it better.
4. Name 3 people who made you smile today? Jake, my cat (ummmm is he a person?), Grandma, & myself after I brushed my teeth!
5. What were you doing at 8 am this morning? Time will tell, it's not yet 8:00!
6. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Driving like mad to get to work late!
7. What will you be doing 3 hours from now? Working my *crap* off
8. Have you ever been to a strip club? Ummmm, not that I remember :)
9. What is the last thing you said aloud? Hi Justice...cutest boy!
10. What is the best ice cream flavor? BR New York Cheesecake or Butter Pecan, both of which sound really good right now!
11. What was the last thing you had to drink? Evidently I must be dehydrated cuz I sure can't remember...Does water while brushing your teeth count?
12. What are you wearing right now? kahki cords, turtleneck, and polar fleece top, cuz the high is going to by 14 balmy degrees today!
13. What was the last thing you ate? veggie pizza-- with spinach...yummm!
14. Have you bought any new clothing items this week? With what money praytell?
15. When was the last time you ran? I don't recall, but I'm sure it was the last time I was chased!16. What's the last sporting event you watched? Pink Slips Drag Racing
18. Who is the last person you emailed? Brennan's teacher unfortunately
19. Ever go camping? Unfortunatly yes, and I sure got a gnat in my ear! I think I was 14.
20. Do you have a tan? Not in my wildest dreams, unless it's a spray on one!
24. Do you drink your soda from a straw? I don't drink anything called Soda
25. What did your last IM say? It was at least 5 years memory's a bit foggy about that
26. Are you someone's best friend? I think so :)
27. What are you doing tomorrow? My calendar tells my I'm going to school and to Robert's 3rd birthday party and then collapsing shortly after that.
28. Where is your mom right now? I hope in bed soundly sleeping
29. Look to your left, what do you see? More work than I'd ever care to complete in my lifetime , oh and my Kenny Chesney 2007 calendar, cuz I haven't bought the new one yet!
30. What color is your watch? What watch?
31. What do you think of when you think of Australia ? Keith Urban...HOT!
32. Would you consider plastic surgery? perhaps
33. What is your birthstone? opal
34. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit thedrive thru? You mean to say you can go in?
35.How many kids do you want? I really wanted 4, but the checkbook said no after 3 :(
36. Do you have a dog? yes 2 very naught dogs
37. Last person you talked to on the phone? Mary Clark
38. Have you met anyone famous? Define Famous
39. Any plans today? School, Autism presentation, lots of working, going to the bank, paying for Stephanie's surprise, and eating at Chili's with Carlene :) :) :), Overnight at the hotel
40. How many states have you lived in? 3...Illinois, Wisconsin, Georgia
41. Ever go to college? Only for the last 19 years. Rock Valley, Rockford, NIU and AU
42. Where are you right now? Work
43. Biggest annoyance in your life right now? My kids cannot possibly throw their garbage away
44. Last song listened to? I wonder
46. Are you allergic to anything? Codeine
47. Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time? My flip flop slippers with the big fake diamond heart button
48. Are you jealous of anyone? I don't think so...Maybe someone with front row Kenny Chesney tickets I have yet to meet
50. Is anyone jealous of you? You'd for sure have to ask them
51. What time is it? 6:40
52. Do any of your friends have children? I have about 2 friends with no kids
53. Do you eat healthy? as long as it's covered in cheese or butter
54. What do you usually do during the day? work, work, work, did I mention work?
55. Do you hate anyone right now? Gratefully no
56. Do you use the word 'hello' daily? I don't know, do I ever answer the phone? Duh!
Don't ask me why there's no question # 57!
58. How old will you be turning on your next birthday? 180
59. Have you ever been to Six Flags? yes, the question is have I ever needed to throw up at six flags from the motion sickness??
60. How did you get one of your scars? Donating a kidney
1.What is in the back seat of your car right now? Some self esteem building games for my clients, an enormous garbage bag of Panera Bread, work, work, work, homework, crumbs---and I'm sure a piece of fast food garbage or two.
2. When was the last time you threw up? I can't remember, but the most memorable time was by far when I threw up while driving.
3. What's your favorite curse word?'s very universal and it's not really a swear I think God like it better.
4. Name 3 people who made you smile today? Jake, my cat (ummmm is he a person?), Grandma, & myself after I brushed my teeth!
5. What were you doing at 8 am this morning? Time will tell, it's not yet 8:00!
6. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Driving like mad to get to work late!
7. What will you be doing 3 hours from now? Working my *crap* off
8. Have you ever been to a strip club? Ummmm, not that I remember :)
9. What is the last thing you said aloud? Hi Justice...cutest boy!
10. What is the best ice cream flavor? BR New York Cheesecake or Butter Pecan, both of which sound really good right now!
11. What was the last thing you had to drink? Evidently I must be dehydrated cuz I sure can't remember...Does water while brushing your teeth count?
12. What are you wearing right now? kahki cords, turtleneck, and polar fleece top, cuz the high is going to by 14 balmy degrees today!
13. What was the last thing you ate? veggie pizza-- with spinach...yummm!
14. Have you bought any new clothing items this week? With what money praytell?
15. When was the last time you ran? I don't recall, but I'm sure it was the last time I was chased!16. What's the last sporting event you watched? Pink Slips Drag Racing
18. Who is the last person you emailed? Brennan's teacher unfortunately
19. Ever go camping? Unfortunatly yes, and I sure got a gnat in my ear! I think I was 14.
20. Do you have a tan? Not in my wildest dreams, unless it's a spray on one!
24. Do you drink your soda from a straw? I don't drink anything called Soda
25. What did your last IM say? It was at least 5 years memory's a bit foggy about that
26. Are you someone's best friend? I think so :)
27. What are you doing tomorrow? My calendar tells my I'm going to school and to Robert's 3rd birthday party and then collapsing shortly after that.
28. Where is your mom right now? I hope in bed soundly sleeping
29. Look to your left, what do you see? More work than I'd ever care to complete in my lifetime , oh and my Kenny Chesney 2007 calendar, cuz I haven't bought the new one yet!
30. What color is your watch? What watch?
31. What do you think of when you think of Australia ? Keith Urban...HOT!
32. Would you consider plastic surgery? perhaps
33. What is your birthstone? opal
34. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit thedrive thru? You mean to say you can go in?
35.How many kids do you want? I really wanted 4, but the checkbook said no after 3 :(
36. Do you have a dog? yes 2 very naught dogs
37. Last person you talked to on the phone? Mary Clark
38. Have you met anyone famous? Define Famous
39. Any plans today? School, Autism presentation, lots of working, going to the bank, paying for Stephanie's surprise, and eating at Chili's with Carlene :) :) :), Overnight at the hotel
40. How many states have you lived in? 3...Illinois, Wisconsin, Georgia
41. Ever go to college? Only for the last 19 years. Rock Valley, Rockford, NIU and AU
42. Where are you right now? Work
43. Biggest annoyance in your life right now? My kids cannot possibly throw their garbage away
44. Last song listened to? I wonder
46. Are you allergic to anything? Codeine
47. Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time? My flip flop slippers with the big fake diamond heart button
48. Are you jealous of anyone? I don't think so...Maybe someone with front row Kenny Chesney tickets I have yet to meet
50. Is anyone jealous of you? You'd for sure have to ask them
51. What time is it? 6:40
52. Do any of your friends have children? I have about 2 friends with no kids
53. Do you eat healthy? as long as it's covered in cheese or butter
54. What do you usually do during the day? work, work, work, did I mention work?
55. Do you hate anyone right now? Gratefully no
56. Do you use the word 'hello' daily? I don't know, do I ever answer the phone? Duh!
Don't ask me why there's no question # 57!
58. How old will you be turning on your next birthday? 180
59. Have you ever been to Six Flags? yes, the question is have I ever needed to throw up at six flags from the motion sickness??
60. How did you get one of your scars? Donating a kidney
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Will you be my valentine?
Happy Valentine's Day Robert! We had Robert Wednesday last Robert got to come to school with Auntie today...Here he is bringing his presents for his teachers....
He loved his cars fruit snacks, and his cars pencils, and his cars valentines that his Mommy bought him for his friends :)
He was so proud to carry them into his classroom...
My little friends Zoe and Jason promised they'd let me take a good picture of them if I gave them a box of Girl Scout Cookies ! Man, I'll do anything for a kodak Moment!

Really, could they be any cuter?

My little friends Zoe and Jason promised they'd let me take a good picture of them if I gave them a box of Girl Scout Cookies ! Man, I'll do anything for a kodak Moment!

Say a prayer for Emma

14 Things I love About...
Ok, I got abit behind, so I must say 14 things I love about my 3 best girlfriends today!
1) Her bubbly personality
2) Her expressions, she wears her heart on her sleeve and I love that!
3) OMG Her creativity is over the top!
4) She is a great Mom
5) She is a great Teacher
6) She is always willing to lend a helping hand
7) She is not afraid to learn and to admit when she needs help
8) We love so many of the same things
9) We are so very different
10) One Word....SHOPPING!!!
11) She's one of the few people I know that gets as excited about things as I do
12) She is my concert Buddy, Brad, Sugarland, Sarah Evans, Blake Shelton, Tim, Tim, Tim & Faith, would not have been the same without her!
13) She loves with her whole heart
14) She is totally trustworthy :)
Happy VD Sarah!
1) We are almost the same person
2) We can tell each other anything
3) We are almost married to the same person!
4) I think I love her kids as much as she does :)
5) She understands really, all of my life issues, cuz hers are the same
6) We are both fashion critics (Because not everyone can look as good as we do! ;)
7) We both love to read and read and read
8) I don't mind a messy car --- ummm and neither does she
9) She is a tightwad and sets a good example for me to follow
10) She makes me laugh until I need to pee
11) Her sarcasm--- it's realy the best...she outta be on stage
12) She is sensitive - but I think most people don't know it
13) If I ever need to know anything about the entertainment world....she knows it!
14) We graduate on the same begin our new lives Yippppeeeee!!
1) #1 for sure is her sarcasm....why is it I appreciate that so much in people?!?
2) She's my Friday night dinner buddy
3) She is my sounding board for the discussion of crazy people
4) She has had a tough life like me, and isn't crazy, isn't addicted, isn't depressed, and is using her experiences to help others
5) We have so much fun when we're together
6) She accepts my craziness without mocking me (most of the time :)
7) Her red, blonde, red, cardinal hair....and her concave bob! Really we didn't mean to have the same haircut!
8) She is a great student and so dependable to work with
9) We have a lot of the same tastes!
10) She is willing to admit when she doesn't know something, and man is there a lot we don't know!
11) One word.....Houston!
12) When I buy her dog odd gifts, she actually has him wear them :)
13) She surely helps me find my way around 'Chicago' Who needs GPS?
14) I think she loves large sparkly things as much as I do...(especially things in blue boxes)
To my 3 BFF's Happy Valentines Day and thank you so much for being you!!
1) Her bubbly personality
2) Her expressions, she wears her heart on her sleeve and I love that!
3) OMG Her creativity is over the top!
4) She is a great Mom
5) She is a great Teacher
6) She is always willing to lend a helping hand
7) She is not afraid to learn and to admit when she needs help
8) We love so many of the same things
9) We are so very different
10) One Word....SHOPPING!!!
11) She's one of the few people I know that gets as excited about things as I do
12) She is my concert Buddy, Brad, Sugarland, Sarah Evans, Blake Shelton, Tim, Tim, Tim & Faith, would not have been the same without her!
13) She loves with her whole heart
14) She is totally trustworthy :)
Happy VD Sarah!
1) We are almost the same person
2) We can tell each other anything
3) We are almost married to the same person!
4) I think I love her kids as much as she does :)
5) She understands really, all of my life issues, cuz hers are the same
6) We are both fashion critics (Because not everyone can look as good as we do! ;)
7) We both love to read and read and read
8) I don't mind a messy car --- ummm and neither does she
9) She is a tightwad and sets a good example for me to follow
10) She makes me laugh until I need to pee
11) Her sarcasm--- it's realy the best...she outta be on stage
12) She is sensitive - but I think most people don't know it
13) If I ever need to know anything about the entertainment world....she knows it!
14) We graduate on the same begin our new lives Yippppeeeee!!
1) #1 for sure is her sarcasm....why is it I appreciate that so much in people?!?
2) She's my Friday night dinner buddy
3) She is my sounding board for the discussion of crazy people
4) She has had a tough life like me, and isn't crazy, isn't addicted, isn't depressed, and is using her experiences to help others
5) We have so much fun when we're together
6) She accepts my craziness without mocking me (most of the time :)
7) Her red, blonde, red, cardinal hair....and her concave bob! Really we didn't mean to have the same haircut!
8) She is a great student and so dependable to work with
9) We have a lot of the same tastes!
10) She is willing to admit when she doesn't know something, and man is there a lot we don't know!
11) One word.....Houston!
12) When I buy her dog odd gifts, she actually has him wear them :)
13) She surely helps me find my way around 'Chicago' Who needs GPS?
14) I think she loves large sparkly things as much as I do...(especially things in blue boxes)
To my 3 BFF's Happy Valentines Day and thank you so much for being you!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
14 Things I love about...
Tim & Deb
1) They are quirky
2) They love cats too as much as I do
3) They are a great Aunt and Uncle - My kids love them!
4) They accept you as you are
5) They are casual...
6) I love when they visit
7) We have so much in common
8) Two help...what would I do without Tim?!?
9) We love to vacation together even though it's not nearly often enough
10) They are our eating out partners...they like we, can usually join us for a meal with 10 minutes notice
11) They are geniuses too!
12) My earliest Memories are of Tim and I who both had the Chicken Pox at the same time
13) I love that they give gifts two years late and don't mind receiving them two years late either!
14) We definitely come from the same mold!
1) They are quirky
2) They love cats too as much as I do
3) They are a great Aunt and Uncle - My kids love them!
4) They accept you as you are
5) They are casual...
6) I love when they visit
7) We have so much in common
8) Two help...what would I do without Tim?!?
9) We love to vacation together even though it's not nearly often enough
10) They are our eating out partners...they like we, can usually join us for a meal with 10 minutes notice
11) They are geniuses too!
12) My earliest Memories are of Tim and I who both had the Chicken Pox at the same time
13) I love that they give gifts two years late and don't mind receiving them two years late either!
14) We definitely come from the same mold!
14 Things I Love About...
Bubba Bill & Karen
1) He is the proud owner of my kidney and takes very good care of it!
2) He is one of the most kind and considerate people I know
3) He is a great uncle
4) He's an adult that still knows how to play
5) I love every minute that we're together and our visits are always too short
6) His wife is as sweet as he is
7) I admire their fun loving relationship
8) He is always, always, always willing to listen and give advice when needed
9) The advice is always sound
10) He and Karen are both geniuses
11) He was never mean to me growing up :)
12) He loves cats as much as I do
13) He is such a hard worker and has overcome so many challenges with his illness
14) He and Karen are two of the neatest and greatest people I know and I am so blessed to have them in my family!
1) He is the proud owner of my kidney and takes very good care of it!
2) He is one of the most kind and considerate people I know
3) He is a great uncle
4) He's an adult that still knows how to play
5) I love every minute that we're together and our visits are always too short
6) His wife is as sweet as he is
7) I admire their fun loving relationship
8) He is always, always, always willing to listen and give advice when needed
9) The advice is always sound
10) He and Karen are both geniuses
11) He was never mean to me growing up :)
12) He loves cats as much as I do
13) He is such a hard worker and has overcome so many challenges with his illness
14) He and Karen are two of the neatest and greatest people I know and I am so blessed to have them in my family!
Photo Catch Up
Geez...where has my life gone...this BY FAR has been the most stressful week yet of the whole internship, working, schooling, raising family, etc. lifestyle...On Tuesday, I felt like I had worked three weeks already! There certainly has been NO time in my life for blogging....but's time to catch up! Here's a quick photo update from the weekend...
We did some great shopping over the weekend...both online and at the scrap store in Janesville. We all are updated on the latest and greatest of everything...Much equipment was bought and sold...Stacie is the proud owner of Sarah's super cute pink bags while Sarah got new black, cream, and red ones...I soon will be the proud new owner of a cricut die cut machine (can't wait) when Sarah gets the latest model. We did some ebay shopping and dreaming but no purchasing....yet! Candi made this....
super cute book over the weekend. I just loved the colors and the ribbon matched exactly. We had such a good time at the scrap weekend. The food was so yummy, and the company was great too! I got a lot done, but haven't taken photos of it yet for the blog, but hope to get around to that soon too!

I found this cutest XO glitter garland at the Target dollar spot...
And this is my little entry table all decked out for the holiday :) 

Sunday night we had the Young Eagles Soaring Inspirational Choir
at our church. My girls were so impressed with the choir they decided to join. This choir (which is actually about 3 X's as big as the group shown here) recently published a CD and is in the planning stages for their next CD. That will be so exciting for my girls! Along with the choir Rev & Mrs. Cole along with her sister sang as well. It was really a great evening. The kids had youth group, while Kevin and I enjoyed an evening of music. 

As some of you may know...Valentine's day is by far the most popular holiday in the preschool world.
The kids are very busy making their valentines boxes for the big day tomorrow! Zoe and Jason gladly modeled their boxes for my blog :) Tonight is Robert Wednesday :) and this weekend is Robert's 3rd birthday party. I hope to squeeze in a minute to have Zoe and Jason over...and I think I have Aubrey on Sunday. I should be all fixed up with my baby fix for a while :) Ok....onward with the rest of the blog...have a great day... more thing....why is it that 9 degrees with snow blowing sideways actually feels a little bit warm to us? My gosh, this weekend when it's 30 we'll all be wearing shorts! Until next time...
Friday, February 8, 2008
14 Things I Love about...
'The Grandmother' aka My mother-in-law
1) She never says no...ever
2) My kids get to see her almost every day...that is special to me since my grandmas always lived far away, or died when I was young
3) She is my husband's mother....without her, I wouldn't have him
4) We do lots of fun things together
5) We are friends (Could be a whole lot worse with a MIL, right?)
6) We have the same decorating taste (odd as it may be!)
7) She is a great cook
8) She bails me out...SO MANY TIMES I CANNOT COUNT!
9) She has taxi'd my children at least 2 or 3 days a week for the past 5 years?
10) My kids couldn't play softball without her
11) She is at every school event...even if she's already seen it :)
12) She marvels at the wonder of my kids and is so proud
13) Grad school, for me, would not have been possible without her
14) For the constant help with cleaning, laundry, transportation, cooking, babysitting, and the list goes on and on...
I love you Grandmother!
1) She never says no...ever
2) My kids get to see her almost every day...that is special to me since my grandmas always lived far away, or died when I was young
3) She is my husband's mother....without her, I wouldn't have him
4) We do lots of fun things together
5) We are friends (Could be a whole lot worse with a MIL, right?)
6) We have the same decorating taste (odd as it may be!)
7) She is a great cook
8) She bails me out...SO MANY TIMES I CANNOT COUNT!
9) She has taxi'd my children at least 2 or 3 days a week for the past 5 years?
10) My kids couldn't play softball without her
11) She is at every school event...even if she's already seen it :)
12) She marvels at the wonder of my kids and is so proud
13) Grad school, for me, would not have been possible without her
14) For the constant help with cleaning, laundry, transportation, cooking, babysitting, and the list goes on and on...
I love you Grandmother!
A picture says a thousand words
Finally, I've had a minute to download my pics...
Check out those super nerd 3D glasses! Stratford Square was a great mall; can't wait to go back! (The movie was good too!)
Happy 80th birthday to Larry (my hairdresser) Can you believe he's 80?!? Hope I look that good when I'm 50-- He scuba dives all over the world and hikes 3 - 5 miles a day...what a guy! new haircut, with no bangs...that'll take some gettin used to!
Date night....just the hubby and me at the Radisson. N-i-c-e!
Aubrey Lynn loves Auntie Ree's poor man spaghetti!
Shanana with her Mardi Gras mask on opening her graduation present. When did we graduate? 2006! (Better late then never huh?!?) I think it runs in our family...

Thursday, February 7, 2008
Snow snow come again another day
Everyone had enough snow yet?! I wonder where we are going to park at work if they fill any more spaces with snow! My work closed early yesterday for the first time in 7 years. We only had one car stuck in the parking lot and we were able to push her out without too much trouble. I had high hopes for yesterday afternoon, laundry, idol, taxes, homework, nap...did I mention nap? And did I mention a 3 1/2 hour nap? That must have been what I needed because that is surely what happened. I made grilled cheese and chicken noodle soup for dinner, got two loads of laundry done, and went to bed again...I got up early this morning to go visit Ms. Sandi Johnson...I was pleased to see that she was peacefully sleeping. I prayed for her and was on my way to work. I am in the middle of writing two grants and am a bit stressed about the whole thing, but it'll all be ok, I'm sure. Tonight I hope to get ready for my scrap weekend...even getting a little bit ready would be a help for me. Today, I have a new major goal...CLEAN MY PURSE!!! I cannot possible survive one more day with half the world in my purse...
Now, I promised Jason and Zoe they could we go....
j ason kv eller zoe zoe
Now, I promised Jason and Zoe they could we go....
j ason kv eller zoe zoe
14 things I love about...
1) She is my first...the beginning of our family :)
2) She too is a genius -- in a very different way than I...Math and Science....ugh!
3) Her dinner plate blue jean eyes :)
4) Her drama....seriously most days it cracks me up. Last night I began taking videos of her drama to share with you. What I realized though is the second I start taping, she quits the drama... (Hmmmm, note to self....this may be a useful tactic!)
5) She has a wide array of talent, singing, acting, dancing, writing, drawing
6) Her self motivation and drive
7) The, "I love you so so much" I get every morning
8) My morning and good night did I luck out to have kids that hug me at 15 :)
9) She hates doing dishes as much as I do!
10) She is very responsible - I could not be more proud of her
11) Her passion and dedication
12) Her ability to have an adult conversation and to sound more intelligent than a lot of adults I know (More than 5 people have made this exact comment to me)
13) She carries on our family name, "Joy" and what a joy she is!
14) She was my first baby valentine....snoppy doy buckup!
1) She is my first...the beginning of our family :)
2) She too is a genius -- in a very different way than I...Math and Science....ugh!
3) Her dinner plate blue jean eyes :)
4) Her drama....seriously most days it cracks me up. Last night I began taking videos of her drama to share with you. What I realized though is the second I start taping, she quits the drama... (Hmmmm, note to self....this may be a useful tactic!)
5) She has a wide array of talent, singing, acting, dancing, writing, drawing
6) Her self motivation and drive
7) The, "I love you so so much" I get every morning
8) My morning and good night did I luck out to have kids that hug me at 15 :)
9) She hates doing dishes as much as I do!
10) She is very responsible - I could not be more proud of her
11) Her passion and dedication
12) Her ability to have an adult conversation and to sound more intelligent than a lot of adults I know (More than 5 people have made this exact comment to me)
13) She carries on our family name, "Joy" and what a joy she is!
14) She was my first baby valentine....snoppy doy buckup!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
What is it Daddy?
I just wanted to share this story from my super bowl gathering...Tim had brought gifts for Shana & I. Mine was a cool candle in delf blue and white that looked like Fima clay. It burns down into the candle and glows. Very cool. (Notice how there are no pics, cuz I can't locate my camera at the moment) Shana had a big gift with a Mardi Gras mask on the top. Somewhere, perhaps in my missing camera, I have a really cute picture of her wearing it! Anyway, she began to open her gift. The first box was small and had a piece of packaging floating around in it that you could see through the window. Shana asked, "What is it Daddy?" and Tim replied, a small black piece of plastic I think. Without questioning what on earth she got an empty box for, she moved on to the next package. She looked at another box and asked, "What is it Daddy? Is it a game?" "Yes" he replied, "I believe a game is on there." Shana, as patient as ever, went on to the next box..."A mother board?" At this point it was great that she finally recognized something..."Is it easy to install?" "Yes" her Dad said, but disclosed nothing more. The next box was a Microsoft program..."Oh! Microsoft! I love Microsoft!" said Shana. Finally, at the last box Shana asked again..."What is this?" (Only these two could have this gift exchange and not think anything was odd about it!) "Oh, that's a graphics card" To which she replied, "Hey! this is all for my computer! Can you install it?!?" To which her Daddy replied...I built you a new computer and it's in the car. Finally... mystery solved. I was lost as well through this whole thing. He brought in her new PC, along with a new one he had built for himself and the gaming was on. They stayed til late in the night and when I awoke they were gone but the computers remained. Hmmmmmmm....Tim took the next day off, and Shana was already they had a snow day for father/daughter gaming. What fun and what a neat presentation of a gift!
14 Things I love about...
1) She is a genius (you see a theme here right)
2) Her super soft peaches and cream skin (despite the sensitivity)
3) Her beautiful green eyes
4) Her firey spirit
5) Her independence
6) She is the baby of the family
7) She isn't afraid to try anything (this worries me as a teenager however)
8) She is a leader
9) She is an excellent student
10) She is so creative
11) Her super cute little hands that are the same as mine
12) Her spirituality
13) Her dedication and drive
14) She is my precious one
Two things...the Jonas Bros tickets came yesterday and after seeing the Hannah Montana 3D movie, I'm actually getting excited to see them!
Sandi Johnson is really struggling through her double mastectomy. Please pray hard and pray often for her. Her story can be followed on the link to the right of my page.
Stay warm today, and stay in....if you can.
Until next time...
1) She is a genius (you see a theme here right)
2) Her super soft peaches and cream skin (despite the sensitivity)
3) Her beautiful green eyes
4) Her firey spirit
5) Her independence
6) She is the baby of the family
7) She isn't afraid to try anything (this worries me as a teenager however)
8) She is a leader
9) She is an excellent student
10) She is so creative
11) Her super cute little hands that are the same as mine
12) Her spirituality
13) Her dedication and drive
14) She is my precious one
Two things...the Jonas Bros tickets came yesterday and after seeing the Hannah Montana 3D movie, I'm actually getting excited to see them!
Sandi Johnson is really struggling through her double mastectomy. Please pray hard and pray often for her. Her story can be followed on the link to the right of my page.
Stay warm today, and stay in....if you can.
Until next time...
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
14 Things I love about...
1) He is a genius
2) His hugs-- everyday at least once for no reason, just because
3) His spontaneity-- some would call it impulsivity, but I prefer the positive :)
4) His passion about things he, dad, his cat, pokemon, Wow, Uncle Tim
5) His super soft skin
6) His beautiful green eyes with the thickest lashes ever
7) His endless chatter
8) How he tries so hard even in the face of adversity
9) How he remembers life's lessons i.e., He is pretty constantly picked on at school, and I shared with him once a sermon of Pastor Kerr's where he said, these tests make you a stronger and better person. A few months later he replied, I must be going to be fantastic!
10) He has overcome so many challenges, both physical and psychological
11) He is learning to give and say thank you without prompting
12) He is venturing out on his own and becoming a bit more comfortable in 'our world' versus 'his world'
13) His caring and protection of his friends
14) His loving heart
Happy Valentine's Day Brennan, I love you
1) He is a genius
2) His hugs-- everyday at least once for no reason, just because
3) His spontaneity-- some would call it impulsivity, but I prefer the positive :)
4) His passion about things he, dad, his cat, pokemon, Wow, Uncle Tim
5) His super soft skin
6) His beautiful green eyes with the thickest lashes ever
7) His endless chatter
8) How he tries so hard even in the face of adversity
9) How he remembers life's lessons i.e., He is pretty constantly picked on at school, and I shared with him once a sermon of Pastor Kerr's where he said, these tests make you a stronger and better person. A few months later he replied, I must be going to be fantastic!
10) He has overcome so many challenges, both physical and psychological
11) He is learning to give and say thank you without prompting
12) He is venturing out on his own and becoming a bit more comfortable in 'our world' versus 'his world'
13) His caring and protection of his friends
14) His loving heart
Happy Valentine's Day Brennan, I love you
Monday, February 4, 2008
14 things I love about...
My Mom...
1) How I can hold it all together except when I talk to her, and then I can let it go. Thank God for people like that in our lives, right?
2) She's a fast walker! No dawdling while we are shopping, we are on the move!
3) That she let me get a dog when I was 12.
4) That she let me get a hamster, a cat, a bird, and 80 thousand fish over the course of my life.
5) She is the best cook ever...I mean ever.
6) She knits, although in any other way she is not old ladyish :)
7) Yes, that too, she is not old all. I can't imagine her with a gray poodle perm!
8) Although I didn't like it at the time, she has taught me to stand on my own two feet through tough love
9) For telling me I needed therapy, and boy did I.
10) I guess this should have been #1...for bringing me into the world!
11) For being a fabulous Grammie, for the hours and days of babysitting
12) For answering all those 'help mom' questions, even if they were in the middle of the night
13) For taking care of me and cleaning my room, and making sure there were no wrinkles in my sheets when I was sick.
14) For being my very first valentine.
I love you Mom!
I have many other things to post, but I haven't downloaded my pics from the weekend yet, so perhaps tonight I'll finally catch up. It was one great weekend, that's for sure!
1) How I can hold it all together except when I talk to her, and then I can let it go. Thank God for people like that in our lives, right?
2) She's a fast walker! No dawdling while we are shopping, we are on the move!
3) That she let me get a dog when I was 12.
4) That she let me get a hamster, a cat, a bird, and 80 thousand fish over the course of my life.
5) She is the best cook ever...I mean ever.
6) She knits, although in any other way she is not old ladyish :)
7) Yes, that too, she is not old all. I can't imagine her with a gray poodle perm!
8) Although I didn't like it at the time, she has taught me to stand on my own two feet through tough love
9) For telling me I needed therapy, and boy did I.
10) I guess this should have been #1...for bringing me into the world!
11) For being a fabulous Grammie, for the hours and days of babysitting
12) For answering all those 'help mom' questions, even if they were in the middle of the night
13) For taking care of me and cleaning my room, and making sure there were no wrinkles in my sheets when I was sick.
14) For being my very first valentine.
I love you Mom!
I have many other things to post, but I haven't downloaded my pics from the weekend yet, so perhaps tonight I'll finally catch up. It was one great weekend, that's for sure!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
14 things I love about...
I am so sorry! I'm 'almost' a baaad blogger. I wanted to start this on Feb 1st. but missed it! So here it goes: Every day between now and VD I will list 14 things I love about that person :) First & foremost on my list is my hasbeen...
14 things I love about...Kevin
1) How well he knows me....18 years will do that for ya!
2) Definitely the blue eyes :)
3) Feet rubs - every day
4) That he sends me our wedding flowers every year on VD (How romantic is that)
5) Sloooooow dancing
6) Dates
7) Vacations...I cherish our time away
8) He's an amazing Dad
9) He cries
10) His smile
11) Ummmmmm....really, the goofiness
12) His mispronunciations
13) Nice straight teeth
14) He's my forever love
14 things I love about...Kevin
1) How well he knows me....18 years will do that for ya!
2) Definitely the blue eyes :)
3) Feet rubs - every day
4) That he sends me our wedding flowers every year on VD (How romantic is that)
5) Sloooooow dancing
6) Dates
7) Vacations...I cherish our time away
8) He's an amazing Dad
9) He cries
10) His smile
11) Ummmmmm....really, the goofiness
12) His mispronunciations
13) Nice straight teeth
14) He's my forever love
Friday, February 1, 2008
Busy yet fun weekend ahead :)
I have this weekend off of course the goal is to cram in as much fun as one can possibly cram into one weekend right? :) I don't really have anything on the agenda for this evening...but I do believe going to bed early will be in order. We had Robert over last night and he woke up at 2:00 this morning and about every 20 minutes after that until we finally got up at 5. Ughhh...I pointed out to him that Auntie is MUCH TOO OLD to be up every 20 minutes ;) Tomorrow, however, we are going to see Hannah Montana 3D at 10:20 in Bloomingdale, then Brennan has a Pokemon prerelease at 11:00 (Thanks Gramma for taking him) Kristina has practice at 1:00 and then a game at 4:00. After that the girls are going to a movie (Thanks Gramma for taking them to that too) I'm sure Brennan will be crashed out and Kevin and I have a date night at the Healthy Solutions Anniversary Dinner/Dance. I am so looking forward to that. We get to speak uninterrupted to each other about 34 seconds a day so it will be nice to be without the kids. Speaking of the dinner/dance...I really wanted to get a pedicure. I wonder how one wears sandles in 4 inches of snow...BRRRRRRRRR.
Sunday, I have the baby girl :) :) :) church and then a small super bowl gathering in the evening. My bro, sil, and my nieces family will be joining us. I'm making it 'Italian Night' with lasagna, crusty bread, and Italian salad. Yummmmmmmmy! I do have a goal to get a nap in both days...and continue to work on the laundry. BTW the new machine is GREAT!!!! and I haven't posted pictures yet. I've been much too busy using it to take a picture of it! I do worry that it is very high tech, which to me means more things to go wrong. But...I'm hoping for the best. The crazy machine even weighs your laundry to determine how much water it needs to put in there. Ummmm.... wow. I guess if my scale ever breaks I could just climb in the washer. Oh...nevermind.
Until next time...
PS is everyone's spell check working on their blogger, cuz mine is not
Sunday, I have the baby girl :) :) :) church and then a small super bowl gathering in the evening. My bro, sil, and my nieces family will be joining us. I'm making it 'Italian Night' with lasagna, crusty bread, and Italian salad. Yummmmmmmmy! I do have a goal to get a nap in both days...and continue to work on the laundry. BTW the new machine is GREAT!!!! and I haven't posted pictures yet. I've been much too busy using it to take a picture of it! I do worry that it is very high tech, which to me means more things to go wrong. But...I'm hoping for the best. The crazy machine even weighs your laundry to determine how much water it needs to put in there. Ummmm.... wow. I guess if my scale ever breaks I could just climb in the washer. Oh...nevermind.
Until next time...
PS is everyone's spell check working on their blogger, cuz mine is not
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