We were up at 7 am today to get to the DMV before the really long lines form. Stephanie had her last driver's ed class at 10:00 today so we didn't have a lot of time to spend there. Yesterday, we stopped at the SS administration to order a duplicate social security card. They gave us a letter stating that it was ordered. I sure hoped that would work. As I was sitting on Stephanie's bed [wondering if she would really get a permit without her SS card] when I asked her...."Where did you see it last?" She said, "In the cabinet in my desk." So I looked in there one last time. Drats! No luck, I said, "The only thing in here is this reader's digest fund raising envelope". And I threw it on the bed. Stephanie looked in the envelope and said, "Here it is!" I looked at her in amazement with her new found card in her hand. "That is nothing by God" I said! We found ourselves with renewed enthusiasm now that I knew we had ALL of the pieced needed for a Driver's Permit. "Oh wait...what about that form they gave me 6 weeks ago from Drive Right?" Stephanie said. "I thought you had it" I said. To which Stephanie replied, "No, I gave it to you so I wouldn't lose it." I said, "Well that was absolutely not the right thing to do...I lose everything!" Upstairs to my room I went to look for it and lo and behold there it was. OK, now we were really set. We were off, and it was 5 'til 8. The line shouldn't be very long when we get there :) We checked in at information and the lady said we had everything we needed! Hooray. She gave us this...

Number 231. Shouldn't be long now! Finally they called our number...I was a bit nervous as the guy checked in all of her paperwork. "Do you have something with her name and address?" Uh....Ummmm...Well....Uh, No. He paused as I nervously looked through my purse. Steph said, "Hey, what about that letter we got yesterday at Social Security?" I told you she was a smart girl! "You're exactly right!" I said. Sure enough, there was the letter in my purse with her name and address on it....Perfect! Ok...step down to the cashier...$20 and she was on her way to take her test. She finished with a 97% cuz of course she's a genius :D As she was waiting in line...I heard...."Jacque!" and turned around to see my friend Angie standing there. Who knew? I sure just talked to her last night and we didn't realize each other was being there. She exclaimed how she couldn't tolerate how Stephanie was getting so old (that's a general consensus among my friends lately)-- and just then....Stephanie walked over with her brand new permit! :) She was done...simple as that.
Of course, you know, she has never driven before...so we were home about 5 minutes when she said, "How about we drive around the block?" I am sensing I'll be doing this quite frequently for the next few weeks...Ok, I said, let's go. Stephanie ran out to the car and began to get in the passenger side. "Ummm, you gonna drive from over there?" I asked. Oh! In the driver's seat she got. Really, she could not be any more excited than she was!

As she got in the car she said..."Um, Mom, there's only one pedal." OMG, this is going to be tougher than I thought! "Stephanie, there are truly two pedals, the gas pedal is on the right hand side." "Oh, there it is!" She replied. Her first drive around the block wasn't really too bad. Next, we had to drive to Devin's to brag about, I mean to show her the new permit :)

Driving to Devin's was another story...but not bad for her first time. After that we were on streets with a 45 mph speed limit AND traffic, so it was my turn to drive. Whew. Did I mention her Dad went with us? This is him in the back seat...

Of course, that's a conversation for another day. After running several errands we finally arrived home for Stephanie's birthday dinner...mac N cheese, broccoli, sausage and cake!

Yummy ice cream cake from A La Mode ice cream! It was very tasty. Then, Stephanie was off to the trail of screams with Ms. Shannon and Devin...

Are those the cutest girls or what? That was about 3 hours ago, and they're still not home. Long lines...Tomorrow...Brunch at the American Girl Store (for my all American Girl), shopping on Michigan Avenue...and dinner at Ed's. My mom leave Monday, and the kids are already down in the mouth about that...But for tomorrow...we will celebrate! Until next time...
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