Yes, I was up at 8...yes I went to bed at 2, but it was all worth it! (Actually that's more sleep than I get on weeknights) We had an impromptu scrap night last night at Sarah's house. It was so fun! I feel like I nearly lost my voice from chatting so much, but we had so much catching up to do! There was only 4 of us, which was really great, we each had a LOT of room on the table (which us sloppy scrappers appreciate), we each had a LOT of chocolate, and a LOT of laughs. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time and it was so nice to not have to be anywhere, and to just relax. In 6 hours I only made 3 pages {really} and one I made wrong :) Thanks, so much Sarah for having us over. I got to see the catalog for her upcoming UCL party (check out the link to the right to view this great wall art). I was disheartened that the party is only one paycheck away for me, so I'll have to be selective, but I love so many things there, being the quote person that I am.
I realized I forget to tape Men in Trees last night, so if anyone has it let me sure was the season premier and I sure missed it. I don't really appreciate if being on on Friday now.

By popular request, I have had to include some photos that I have been remiss in adding, mostly of Stephanie's hair. I have some others to add, but haven't taken them, here is Stephanie's new hair-- and some crazy pics she took of herself last night. All part of being almost 15 I guess! She is at the run walk wheel this morning at RVC. She is the face painter in the children's area. Then Kristina is off to the eye Dr. REALLY another child with glasses, how will my budget do that? Then, I believe it's nap time.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Until next time...
Hey Candi, when I put the pics on today, they were pics, not garbles words...who knows!
I am so glad you came. It was a great time. Let me know a November date so we can do it again! I just wanted to say how much I love Steph's hair! It is real cute on her.. she looks older:) glad that washing it went okay and she still has curls..lots of curls! i come out of the hallmark store @ 5 ish tonight and i happen to hear this noise and look up and it was ALL those birds on the wires!!!! i was so amazed at all those crazy birds in one spot!!!!!!! it was kinda creepy....
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