A terrific time was had by all at the fall diddley. My friend Carlene couldn't make it which was a bummer, but Stephanie, Kristina, Aubrey and I made the trek to the Boone County Fairgrounds in the pouring rain and was it
MUDDY! {Really Carlene missing the mud was not a bad thing!} There were about 350 vendors. I didn't get to all of the buildings because I can only do about 3 hours of a craft show before I'm pooped. I was able to purchase these terrific buys:

The witch hat with a tag that says "don't forget your hat" {Too cute}

Another witch hat that Kristina bought me for my birthday. (She's keeps surprises about as good as I do! She had to give it to me right away when we got home!)

I like the hat in the pot...the girls do not. Good thing it's my pot!

Had to have this super cute snowman ornament and one for Sarah too! You can't really tell in the picture but it is tea stained with glitter! Love it! And it will look sooo cute on my snowman tree!
Ok, gotta run! Have a great day!
1 comment:
too funny to read this, mom of the year.. we may be tied as I finished up the blog disaster at almost 1am.. slide into bed and realized that jacob put something he wanted to wear in the morning in the washer and asked that I please put it in the dryer. urgh, nothing worse than having to drag yourself out of bed when you are already asleep it seems.LOL! I did it though.. how can we let them down:)
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