Friday, December 26, 2008
Up, up, and away
1 day to Florida!
Have a happy New Year...
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Oh how I love a good cranberry cookie!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
You ready?
My brother and his daughter, son-n-law and granddaughter will all be here about 5 or 6 to eat, open presents, and have yummy desserts. The snow is supposed to stop at noon, so hopefully the roads will be clear for my brother to get here from Kenosha. We'll head to church at 10:30 for our peaceful candlelight service...the highlight of Christmas for me.
I have a few presents to wrap and a light dinner to cook tomorrow. I'm thinking there may be a nap in store for me tomorrow! Now that, is a perfect Christmas Eve. Hope you and yours are happy, healthy, and safe this holiday season.
Monday, December 22, 2008
I was pretty sure Christmas is a holiday...
On my husband's side, his family seems to overflow with dysfunction during the holidays so this year we committed to travel at Christmas instead of stay home to wallow in dysfunction junction. We planned to leave the day after Christmas, since my children always want to be home for Christmas. [long pause for reflection] but then I wonder what kind of Christmas and merriment there will be with just us, my niece, her husband and baby? It'll be a small gathering, which oddly doesn't require any less planning on my part.
I am grateful I have all my shopping done. I have a very short list this year, so I got it done in two outings. The cookies are baked except for the final ones which used to be cornflake wreaths but have now turned into 'holly' to avoid covering my hands in butter to make wreaths :) EEEWWWWW how I hate sticky! I was laughing today that I think if we weighed all the cookies they would at least weigh 10 lbs! Tomorrow, I get to deliver...a big bunch to my friend Sandi...whom I'm so grateful is not in the hospital this year, a bunch to my friends at work, and then a bunch to ship off to my mama who is recovering from surgery. I'll have a bunch for my brother if he makes it for Christmas, a bunch for my niece and her husband, a bunch complete with special requests for my mother n law, and a bunch for hubby's sister. The rest will ride in zip lock bags to Florida with us :)
My precious one is just finishing up the last batch of dishes-- when it's 'cookie weekend' it seems like we do dishes non stop! The baking of cookie weekend included:
Two new types of peanut blossoms...guess what, we liked last year's better
The wonderful cranberry walnut cookies...returning from last year...our new favorite
Cut out cookies
Pressed sugar cookies (my son's new favorite-more on that later)
pecan sandies
toffee (new this year...still in the testing phase)
raspberry poinsettias (new this year and quite tasty and pretty)
Macadamia nut from a mix - fair at best
chocolate chunk from a mix - if flour was added to it would have been great
chocolate mint - (my big girl's boyfriends favorite)
strawberry sandwich cookies (returning from last year and a big hit due to their beauty)
corn flake holly (stole the holly idea from a recipe blog and love it!)
There you have it...the top 12 picks for this year. Will they all be returning next year? We'll let the reviews determine that! My precious one and I have sat at the kitchen table baking for two days. My precious one is looking over the list and asking why some were eliminated and some were added. We are especially glad the creme de menth balls that we threw out last year were not relived this year. Gosh they were awful!! Today... we took Lacey to the groomer, so she's all pretty for Christmas and to get some pesky hairballs removed and I completed a 4 hour training class for one of my new part time jobs as a professional development advisor. I do love sitting at home baking cookies, listening to a webinar and getting paid. I'm pretty sure that's as good as it gets!
Tomorrow, oh...I lied...I have one little present to pick up for my mama...then I have to send off her box, my boy has the dentist, Cookie deliveries, my precious one needs a swim suit...and thank God they sell them here in Illinois in the dead of winter, cuz we sure learned the hard way that they don't sell them in the south in December, but that's a blog post for another day. Laundry and packing is on the list, and shopping for Christmas dinner. Did I mention snow? Don't forget the snow 3 - 5" predicted for tomorrow and 4 - 6" predicted for Christmas Eve. I have a few presents to wrap, and then I plan to clean and nap.
You know that old saying if you build it they will come? Perhaps if I plan for Christmas they will come? After all, I was pretty sure Christmas is a holiday...
4 days til Florida
Sunday, December 21, 2008
We have secured the vanilla
snowed in and out of vanilla
If you're out and about today in your four wheel drive, that you happen to have at home, not at your husband's shop, please feel free to drive slowly by, and throw us a bottle of vanilla.
6 days until Florida...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Close your eyes and remember...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
# of working days left at current job: 16
# of days to work until Christmas Break: 3
# of days til Christmas: 9
# of days til I leave on vacation: 10
# of days til graduation: 143
# of weekends left of class: 12
# of days that crazy shoe duckin W has left in office: 34
Hmmmmph...many many countdowns...too many? You decide...whats most important is the enjoyment I gather along the way.
Maybe for me I have so many countdowns because I'm a procrastinator. If I count down, then I can figure the very last minute I can start something. Perhaps. I'm in such a transitional phase in my life right now. So many changes. So challenging, yet so very exciting. Perhaps it's a midlife crisis minus the red car!
Hey! By the way, I got another job today...that makes 3. I got a job as a professional development advisor. Imagine me, counseling people on what type of job they want and how to get there. How fun is that? I applied about 6 months ago for this job, but it didn't work out then. Right now the timing is perfect. Again...very exciting. I'm not sure I'll ever be the type of person to only have one job at a time. It's not that I love to work, and I am definitely NOT a work-a-holic, but I love to learn, and the best way to learn is to teach others...and I love to help other people accomplish their dreams. My very final goal in life and something that I would so love, would be to be a motivational speaker. Oh...and write a book. Gee...I wonder if there is room in my life for 2 more jobs. Not today...
Anyway, after a few days down in the dumps, I'm sure feeling a bit better today. There's still some things stuck in my craw that are bothering me, but not so much anymore. I am telling myself "this too shall pass" and it makes it a bit easier.
Today, my mom was scheduled for surgery but they changed it to tomorrow. Makes me wonder if I've been praying for patience. I surely have not. Learned my lesson about that long ago! But I surely seem to need to practice it a lot. Please pray for my mama. She's having some Arteries cleaned out tomorrow. Thanks :)
Today I got my first two Christmas Cards. Two gals on the BFF list. Thanks for the cards :)
Today, my big girl texted me this question...what does written up mean and what is a referral?
Me: Who wants to know?
BG: Me...Sheez
Me: Why?
BG: No reason, just tell me.
Me: Written up is when you've broken a rule and they are telling you so in writing. A referral is something in school that normally means you have some kind of discipline coming.
BG: OIC...I have a story to tell you.
Me: Sounds like you do.
For the rest of the story...visit my big girl's blog here.
Off to commiserate with the laundry and TIVO!
Monday, December 15, 2008
How am I missing it?
Today...round 2! I was proverbially punched in the gut by the passive aggressive type and I totally didn't see it coming. AGAIN! Here I sat all diligently listening to the question and WHAM!!! Out of the blue came the real purpose of the conversation...which was a personal accusatory slam and I totally missed it. Now...ordinarily I pride myself on navigating the waters of the passive aggressive. Perhaps I am losing my touch. I'm not sure...
I do know that tonight...I will need to ponder. My navigation system is in need of a recall, repair, rethink, re something...cuz it sure ain't helping me out. me out...if you're gonna punch me in the face literally, or punch me in the gut figuratively...perhaps you could give me a warning until I get my GPS repaired.
Feeling the crunch...bah humbug...

Friday, December 12, 2008
To the Dope, From the Princess
It is a sure sign of the true Christmas Spirit and also a testament to the fabulous bond of sisterly love we have created in our house when, there, on a neatly wrapped Christmas present, under our lovely tree are these words, written in thick black Sharpie marker...
To: the dope
From: the princess
Gee, don't you just feel the love and warmth of the holiday spreading over every part of your being? I know I do.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Could I pulleeeez go back to work?
Ummmm. No. Definitely. No.
I left the house at 8 AM for an 8:30 appointment that once again was rescheduled until next week. I had a gazillion errands to run...and while I was running I picked up my first two Christmas presents. Since we are so totally broke this year and going to Florida (that's an odd combination isn't it?) my Christmas shopping will be exceptionally light. I anticipate buying about 12 gifts total this year. Anyway, I digress...
I ran a bunch of errands, had to stop by work at least twice to drop stuff off, attended a retirement party briefly since I had a God-awful meeting with some Upward Bound folks, stopped home for a moment to throw dinner in the crock pot...which was tough and not very good (so much for slow cooking) and then taught class last night until 8:00. I came home and spent a few moments with my big girl, trying to help her make some choices in what things she wants to participate in...and then finally collapsed into bed. Gratefully my bu** isn't as sore from the fall as it was yesterday and I could actually be somewhat comfortable in bed. I am glad to be back at work. I do believe that my two weeks off during the holidays will be much more restful. Until then, I think the todo list is getting the best of me.
I read Jen the Dust Bunny Hostage' post on shopping, and I feel the same way. Why do I hate shopping so much? I think it's due to the internet. I REALLY prefer to shop from home, when I feel like it, in my jammies while sipping some hot cider. Not fighting the crowds, the lines, the limited selections, the sold outness (is too a word), and the 4 inches of salt melted mushy slow I had to trudge through yesterday. Also, this year there is a lot more list than dollars and that just makes it a bummer.
Here's hoping the new year brings renewed prosperity for the US and for us.
Signing off now, and glad to be back at work :)
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Nothin like a good ice storm
Bruise report to follow...
Sunday, December 7, 2008
This isn't the one I was talking about...
I just wanted all you readers, friends, (readers are friends too, just not face to face friends) and family afar that I GOT THE JOB!!!! After 8 weeks, 4 interviews and two observations later I finally finally finally have been hired. Whew! My kids seem to be adjusting with trepidation to the change. Although it will be SO SO SO good for my family, it will be SO SO SO hard for them. You see, they have gone to work with me all summer long and on no school days for the past 8 years. will be an adjustment. The big difference is that now...on most of their no school days I'll be home with them. Yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus! Merry Christmas to me. I also have 4 weeks off in the summer. That thought alone almost brings tears to my eyes. I have worked so hard for so long in my life that the thought of working less and making more money seems actually beyond my comprehension. I guess I thought all through grad school, that gee I hope I really do make more and work less, but what if that doesn't really happen? Well, I'm breathing a sigh of relief. I'll work 6.5 hours instead of 9, have double the sick time, double the personal time, and double the vacation time. It's a dream come true...AND I'll be working with some really challenging children, so there will be a lot to learn. I don't have my start date yet, but I'm looking at the end of Jan. Keep a good thought for me on my new journey. I couldn't be more thrilled.
Gotta love a good meme...
Ten years ago I:
*was 32. Hmmmm 32.
*Working for a big corporation...on call 24/7 loving and hating it
*Had been married 8 years
*Had just moved in to this our dream home. The same home I want to change 400 things about
*Was mama to a 6, 4, and 3 year old. Whew! That makes me tired all over again!
Five things on Tomorrow's To-Do List:
*Work at COL
*Work at UIC
*Turn in my written resignation
*Laundry (is there a to do list that doesn't include laundry?)
*Order my Christmas cards before it's too late
Five snacks I enjoy:
* Rootbeer (is too a snack)
(The above is why I am so thin I can barely cast a good shadow!)
Five things I would do if I were a millionaire:
*Pay off every bill and then some (the some would be donate to my church)
*Save... a lot
*Buy a beach house
*Buy the MIL a new house
*Pay back my mama what I really owe her
Five places I have lived:
*Machesney Park, IL
*Roscoe, IL
*Rockford, IL
*Loves Park, IL
*Roswell, GA
Five jobs I've had:
This was already compiled in this post... plus I hate to
Your turn...I'm not taggin ya but join me if you'd like...
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The job market...or not...
#1 the very first job...waitressing in the back poker room at a local night club for special events. Yup I was about 13 I think and the old Italian men tipped very well :)
#2 the first regularly scheduled job...Pork Chop Alley...grill cook...yuck! The terrific thing about eating at Pork Chop Alley was that everything was covered in grilled onions. The terrific thing about working at Pork Chop Alley was that everything was covered in grilled onions....NOT!!!! Even after washing, my work clothes still smelled like onions! As did my boyfriends car after I rode home in it from work...sorry dude!
#3 Next on the agenda...Hardees...I was the quality control chick there. Someone saw some management potential in me :) I loved that job for about 2 months...I remember calling home one night to ask my mom if I could quit! Today the thought of asking my mom that question cracks me up! I'm pretty sure she said no, since I had a car payment to make, and I'm pretty sure I quit anyway. Gee, wonder why I bothered to ask.
#4 Chuck E Cheese. I worked this job the rest of high school and loved it. I was a birthday party hostess and Chuck E. himself. I got a lot of hours there (which at 3.15 an hour equated to a lot of money in my book!) and I worked with great people and of course children...I never could get enough of children :)
Hmmmm....then I moved to Georgia
#5 Richway...kind of like Target...loved that job too...hated the customers...I worked as a cashier and at the Service was like shopping all day long!
Hmmmmm....then I moved back to Illinois
#6 Lawrences...I was a nail technician there...I loved that job too...although the money...not so much.
#7 Hell...oops I mean Illinois Bell. I was there for 9 years. Really good money, really good, really good friends, awful awful awful job and an awful company to work for. Working there required a lot of therapy.
#8 opened my day care home...the real beginning of my work with children :) Got to stay home with my babies for a time...
#9 E. Riverside Learning Center...infant teacher. I went to school with my kids and I loved this job. If this job paid well, it is the job I would be doing today. I do not think there is any more important position than giving a baby a firm secure foothold in life!
#10 West...back to the corporate world. I loved this job since I was very successful at was also a wonderful income compared to daycare, but being on call 24/7 wasn't for me. I also loved the client entertainment portion :) Fine dining, sports events, etc. etc. AND, I made some wonderful life long friends there.
#11 Back to the children...where I'm at now...I do love this job...but I have a desire to have my skill and talent better utilized...and I want to continue to learn. I have worked with some amazing people during my time here, and learned a lot.
#12? Time will tell
Now, let's just say that you'd be here reading all day if I listed all the part time jobs...bartender, waitress, pet store, teacher, multi level marketing...oh yes there have been many!
It's been quite a journey. I hope to have about 25 years of work left in me...there's a great need, and a whole lot of help that can be given in that amount of time...
Now it's your turn...take a minute and comment what your favorite job was...I'd like to know
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Have I lost my mind, or is it gone?
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The brave new haircut
Don't look for a photo here, there isn't one....but do know this...I finally, finally, finally after over 20 years of complaining...took the plunge and changed hairdressers. I struggled with my hair dude for the past year trying to get this certain concave bob hair cut, to no avail. Everytime I left, I had the same haircut I had the time before and it was not the cut I wanted. So...I finally got brave and started asking people where they got their hair cut...even strangers in restaurants! I finally realized that I not only had to know the where, I had to know the who.
There's a gal at my internship who had a haircut similar to the one I I asked her, and she told me, and I finally called to make an appointment with 'John'. Weeeeeeelllll, John is evidently out for the next few weeks, maybe longer. WHAT?!? I've waited a year to take the plunge and now he's out for how long?!? "But Joiya can help you", they said. OK, Whatever, be brave, or not, hope she doesn't screw it up too badly. Finally the appointment arrives. The.longest.haircut.of.all.time. One hour and a half...I kid you not. Here's the thing: I think she only cut off about 1/4 of an inch. Really I wished for about 3 inches to be cut off. the days wore on...I believe I have found a new hairdresser...I think I like this haircut...only shorter. Perhaps she was afraid that I was 'short phobic' which I am not! The shorter the better for me...So...I'm giving her another chance, after the first of the year...and I'm allowing a lot of time...if 1/4 inch took an hour and a half, 3 inches may take all of 2 days!
The kicker is my kids say..."What? You got your hair cut? I can't tell!" What? Who asked you?...I'm certain I got it cut, and I'm certain I like it better. So...stay tuned for January and if I actually get more than 1/4 inch cut off, I might even include a photo!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
From the Great JC
I have also decided this week to contact a friend of mine who has always told me I could work in his office; to begin the transformation to private find out exactly what needs to be to get licensed, how to get on insurance boards, how to build a clientele, etc. etc. again...lots of change.
When I embarked on this journey three years ago I probably didn't think of the actual transformation...I think I only saw myself in an office with clients, and finally setting my own schedule. That is still the dream...but the bridges to cross to get there seem daunting. I still have to make a substantial income, I still have to provide my family with health insurance...I can't just get me a 'start where I'm at and we'll make money later' kind of job. So it seems there are added pressures. I also want to take a percentage of low income clients, and so I'll need to learn how to do that without going broke! Anyway...
Today I went to church. It was lay ministry Sunday and by far one of the best services I have ever been to. We had an amazing musician Dr. Todd Payne at the service who sang and recited part of Dr. MLK's speech, I have a dream. Very fitting today for my struggles. Then, four members of the church spoke instead of our Pastor. A statement by one of them I thought was fitting for today is "The same Holy Spirit that was with Jesus on the cross is with me." How powerful is that? If the Holy Spirit can get Jesus through Crucifixion I can certainly get through a job change...and it'll all be alright! Dr. Payne spoke a lot of change today and his summary was, "God will lead you through change which is constant." No matter where I'm at, there is going to be change...constant change. One of my favorite sayings is "Be the change you want to see in the world." There is a lot I have to offer those teachers, children, and families at the therapeutic day school. Along with that, I'm certain there is a lot I have to offer the children and families that will be attending my private practice. Although it isn't easy...I am confident it'll be ok. It came to me today from the Great JC Himself...
Today we closed with one of my favorite hymns of all time...Here I am Lord...
Here I am Lord
Words and Music by Daniel L Schutte© 1981
Genesis 46:2
"And God spake unto Israel in the visions of the night,and said, Jacob, Jacob. And he said, Here am I."
I, the Lord of sea and sky,
I have heard my people cry.
All who dwell in dark and sin,
My hand will save.
Here I am, Lord.
Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord, if you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.
I, who made the stars of night,
I will make their darkness bright.
Who will bear my light to them?
Whom shall I send?
Here I am, Lord.
Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord, if you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.
I, the Lord of snow and rain,
I have borne my people’s pain.
I have wept for love of them.
They turn away.
Here I am, Lord.
Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord, if you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.
I will break their hearts of stone,
Give them hearts for love alone.
I will speak my words to them.
Whom shall I send?
Here I am, Lord.
Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord, if you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.
I, the Lord of wind and flame,
I will send the poor and lame.
I will set a feast for them.
My hand will save.
Here I am, Lord.
Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord, if you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.
Finest bread I will provide,
'Til their hearts be satisfied.
I will give my life to them.
Whom shall I send?
Here I am, Lord.
Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord, if you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.
You lead me, I will go.
Friday, November 28, 2008
A Thanksgiving Ponder...

Monday, November 24, 2008
Thanksgiving Photo Meme

Take a moment to wallow in Gratitude :)
I nominate...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Why am I stuck in a bad sitcom?
Here's another wonder of a real life sitcom...Why, when we own 5 TV's all with cable...and three computers all with internet would there possibly be a fight over the TV? just leaves me speechless...Now, sadly, since my family is SSSSOOOOO deprived, we only have TIVO on one TV. OK, I can understand that...perhaps. But really? It's TV and the beauty of TIVO'll be there again...why the fighting?
I just served dinner and ran for my life. Serving teenagers can be a dangerous task. One night last week I waited to long to serve my plate and when I got there...poof! No food left. AGAIN on that same evening, my precious one made cookies. Again...I cookies for me. Not one!
In a house with three teens there seems to be at least 8 simultaneous conversations happening at the same time...wait...I think that's what simultaneous means. Anyway...on top of that, they like the TV or the Radio on. Hence the term...what's all the Ruchus. I gotta tell you...there's a whole lotta Ruchus going on!
Friday my precious one committed a fate worse than death and wore the big girl's sweater to school...and not only did she wear it...she got something on it
*Sigh such is the life of the Ruchus...
At 3:00 the hubby was supposed to pick up the precious one, but decided on a nap. You'd think asking a newly licensed 16 year old to go get her sister would be a great idea right...not so! And then...the precious one once again committed a cardinal sin and left her things in the big girl's car. Nevermind that the big girls has left her crap in my car for 16 years and actually I'm sure there's quite a bit of her crap in my car right now...Does that matter? Noooooooooooo. When it's HER one is allowed to leave a single thing in it...who knew.
So...such is the life in the Ruchus sitcom...
Tonight we went to the precious one's parade...her first even marching. I love this parade that opens the holiday season each year. This year we lucked out that is was 45, not 20 like last year. We took Zoe and Jason, Steph, me, Kev, & Gramma...We sat near the beginning of the route and got a ton of candy!
I must be off now to do...let me see...20 loads of laundry. NOT...the kick butt laundry challenge kicked my butt this week...but next out! With 4 days off, I'm sensing a 40 load week.
Until next time...
Blaring Christmas Music
The last minute part of me has learned the Thanksgiving lesson the hard way: If you want just the right turkey at just the right price, celery hearts, cranberry jello, and not...and I repeat DO NOT go to the store the night before Thanksgiving and expect to find anything you are looking for. Besides...I need 4 days to thaw my turkey and today would be the day it needs to start thawing (for the 20 lb. variety)
I learned the waiting til the last minute lesson again yesterday, when I couldn't go to scrap night because all the spots were full :( Eventually, Sarah called me to say a spot had opened up, but by then the hubby and I had already made plans for the evening. Let me tell you, they were some HOT plans! We were price shopping for a carpet shampooer. AND, we met up with his mom and picked up the turkey roaster that she had gotten me for my birthday. Thanks Gramma! I had originally thought I had wanted the roaster that holds an 18 lb. turkey and comes with three insert pans. We found that one at Target and discovered the insert pans were not very large and therefore not very useful for large holiday gatherings. I instead opted for the larger pan that roasts up to a 24 lb. turkey. Perfect! Someday, when my kids have kids, I hope to have all the family over every holiday and to get quite a lot of use from this roaster. Holiday gatherings are my favorite of all time. Hey Mom...if you're not mom, don't read this...just kidding. Hey Mom, book yourself a flight for can stay in our house while we're gone...and spend time with Tim, Shana, Fadil and everyone you haven't had a chance to catch up with. Then you won't be home alone for the holidays. Maybe I have some NWA miles you can use for free. I'll have to check. OK, if you're not Mom, begin reading again :) Let me see...where was I...OH...
Today, I bought the bird...all 21 lbs. of him.

But first...two things I want to day with the baby girl...

Let me share with you what my big girl's mail looks like lately...

OK, now finally for my most random thought of all time. This is my favorite sandwich...

Friday, November 21, 2008
Got nothin by a head cold...
Here, let me use it in a sentence for you...
Tends to shitten up the ol’ attitude.
I believe the word shitten is a verb.
That sentence was
My friend Sandi...well she's in the fight for her life...literally fighting stage 4 cancer, and now she's fighting lymphedema too. Please pray for her... a lot. She is at a specialist today trying to get some help for her arm. She needs lots of positive energy flowing her way.
Sometimes I find myself feeling shittened. See? You can add 'ed' to it. Trust me, this word is gonna be in the websters by 2010. Wait...I digress...let me tell you why:
Homework is KILLING me this week. The kickbutt laundry challenge has kicked my butt. 0 loads completed this week, 20 to go. Christmas shopping is stressing me out...cuz I got no dough.
Let's just say that today is the day for VERY incorrect English. k?
And...I have a head cold.
For those of you reading this from some warm sunny place...the wind chill was 4 when I came to work today....4 Balmy eh? Good to know that 34 days from now I too will be in a warm sunny place.
Got a lot on the plate this sure to look for the pictoral weekend in review on Monday... Tomorrow I have school. Weekend #12 and counting...then scrapbooking with the girls...Sunday I have the baby girl, and then Zoe, Jason, the whole family and I are going to watch the precious one in a parade playing her trombone. I mentioned it was 4 degrees here today right? Oughtta be a bang up time! MANY blankets will be required ;)
I spose I'll close with the random blathering...have a fantabulous weekend.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
If Mama Aint Happy...
My mama and I...we have some differing tastes...for me the more the merrier, the busier the better, the more glitter...hey, can't get enough...not so much with the mama... let me qoute her comment from yesterday...
WOW! While reading today's blog, the background changed right in front of my eyes! I think it's kind of busy and I like the previous one better.
Ok, that's from the mama...what that translates into is..."I can't stand this blog background, it gives me a headache, I'm not sure if I need to vomit, or add another pair of $20 walgreens reading glasses to decipher the actual print on this mess."
Really...I'm sure that's what she was in my free time I embarked on a new cute background and not one of those generic blogger ones that I am so tired of...I'm really not ready for a Christmas background, but when the time is right I have the cutest one picked I searched and search for something a little fally (is too a word!) when I found the perfect one...I loaded it all up and when I was checking the final view I noticed it said...Happy Haunting. What? Haunting? Like Halloween Haunting? As in 3 weeks ago Halloween. Ugh...that is so last month. Back to the drawing board...
So, I've settled on this...boring, mundane, green, brown, blah blah blah...but I bet the Mama's happy :)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The waiting...
I must have finally hit the limit last night, cuz I was sure in bed at 7:30 and slept til 5 this morning. Aaaahhhh....that was so wonderful.
Have a happy Wednesday!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Final Frontier
Monday, November 17, 2008
Kick butt laundry challenge
What I super love is my front load washer that tells me exactly how many minutes each load is going to take and the fact that I still have lots of laundry soap left, even after 22 loads. It uses such a small amount for each load. Amazing! If you're in the market for a new all means get a front loader. Next on my list is one of those amazing steam dryers, and stands for my washer and dryer. I am amazed that my back and legs aren't killing me today after all those trips up and down the stairs.
The best part of all is the help I got putting it all away :) I really don't mind washing, drying and folding, but I absolutely hate putting away. Gratefully the big girl and the honey took care of most of it! Thanks!
This week will be a bit more of a challenge I'm afraid...I have a project due for school this weekend, two papers, Scrap night Saturday night, the baby girl on Sunday and Kristina is in a parade Sunday night...Hmmmmm....I'll have to do some laundry every day to reach my goal.
My new goal this week is to post basement pictures with everything clean and laundry free! Go me!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
How much can you do in one day?

Saturday, November 15, 2008
A little Hookie and a new license...
hI was especially worried when they only got through one number in 45 minutes. Evidently the folks at the DMV need a lot of breaks and evidently 4 out of the 5 folks working the counter have to go to break at the same time. It didn't help that the one dude left working, Jim, could only type with each of his middle fingers. Now...I'm sure my baby girl Aubrey could type faster than this dude. We waited an hour and a half before they called our number. The big girl filled out all of the necessary paperwork
and then we waited for the driving test. By this time it was 3:50 and all driving tests had to be started by 4:00, since they only do them in the daytime. About 5 minutes to four they called her name and she was off! I was busy trying to get some homework done...and when I looked up...there she was. Did you pass? Um, she told me to sit down until they called my name for my license! Yeah!!!!
Gratefully, I have a zoom lens, so I can sit way across the DMV and not be too obvious about taking a picture of my big girl getting her Driver's license photo taken.
There was much more worrying about the picture actually than the test. Is my hair straight? Should I wear my hoodie? Is there lint on my shirt? I finally said,'re not shooting a magazine cover'll all be ok!
And it was. Introducing my big girl... licensed driver.
We headed to Beef A Roo for a quick bite to eat to celebrate. I had to be at school in an hour, so time was tight. Of course the second we got home, she wanted to go somewhere. We briefly discussed the rules, our expectations, our need to know where she is at all times, and she was off.
Fast forward...honestly, that was Friday at 5:00 and now it's Saturday at 7:30 and I haven't seen her since~she's been to her boyfriend's house, Devin's house, Gramma's house, the mall, Beef-A-Roo again with a teacher, and now she's at a play at a local high school. I'm feeling the empty nest comin' on.
After she left on Friday I quickly packed for school. I was feeling crazy overwhelmed with her new found freedom. I called my friend Ang and let it all out: sad, proud, nervous, fearful, so many emotions. I always thought the first day of kindergarten was the hardest for me, then I thought it was the last day of daycare, then I moved on to the first day of high school, and now I am convinced that this has been the hardest day yet. Somewhere, in the back of my mind, I am certain this won't even compare to the first day of college: two short years away. Where does the time go?
Actually, I don't know how my parents did cell phones, no constant communication with your baby when they were out alone for the first time. Agggghhhh! It is perfectly PERFECTLY clear to me now why my mom wouldn't let me take the car on the night of my 16th birthday. If only we'd had cell phones.
Until next time...I'm off to continue work on the kick butt laundry challenge. 6 down, 14 to go.