You wanna kiss? It's my birthday!

Baby Lizzy...just too tired to sing Happy Birthday!

Yummy cake!

Fun toys!

Big Smiles :) My great nephew Ryan turned two on Wednesday. My mother-n-law made super yummy
barbecue ribs. sliced up some
cantaloupe and I made some
hash browns with cheese, peppers and onions....
yummmmmy! We got Ryan a super cute outfit with big brown Hawaiian flowers and
khaki shorts, and a tug boat to play with in the tub. Kristina got him a little tykes
end loader and
gramma got him some crazy toy that you put balls in and they are forced out by the air. He loved all his gifts, but mostly he loved his cake....

and his family.....

Happy birthday baby
Until next time...
Tell Steph that Papa Larry's phone was acting that way, so he took it to the mall to have it checked out. It turned out that he was pushing a button on it when he put it in his pocket. Apparently,it would take a picture of the inside of his pocket. After a while, all his memory was used up...many minutes later of erasing all the pictures of his inside pocket, his phone worked perfectly!!! Ha, ha. Just a thought ;)
yo mama
What a wonderful birthday cake!
Never have had one like that and I've 43 birdays!
Happy birthday Ryan, you're a spoiled little boy!
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