Today I wanted to share with you the many faces of my great niece Aubrey. She shared these expressions with us over the course of about 2 minutes in the car! I was so lucky to have her yesterday and today. She is the best baby ever and it is such a joy to spend time with her. I get to care for her again next weekend :) First we start out with..."You CAN'T be serious!"
Then we go to..."Just try it! I bite! I mean it!"
That's right before the serious growling ensues!
Next...she says "Ohhh, you're taking my picture?!? Who knew!"
Right before she started the next round of peek-a-boo! 

Love you kids, give them Vista!
OMG! Is that really baby niece? I object to her getting any bigger! Then there won't be anymore babies....someone will have to step forward and have another and it certainly isn't going to be moi! HEHE. Kisses.
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