My husband's honey-do-list has been getting bigger and bigger lately....well last night he was getting things done and I LOVE that about him! We have had the most ugly basketball hoop along side our driveway since moving in (11 years ago!) Well, really it's only been 'ugly' the past few years...Anyway, I decided it had to go...The problem's quite the project. The brilliant former owners filled the post with cement, making it quite difficult to dispose of. The man of the house was not to be deterred...

Give a guy a big saw, a carbide blade, and lots of patience, and eventually you end up with this...
TIMBERRRRR!!! That was part one. We still have the get the rest of the post and the cement base out, but that is a task for another day. We were left wondering what to do with the 1/2 basketball hoop post left sticking out of the ground. I thought it would make a good hitching post, but this was the nearest thing to a horse we could find...
Ok, so
Bluey didn't really appreciate that idea ;)
My son has
Asperger's Syndrome (on the Autism Spectrum) and when he was little, well actually still, he had such a soft heart. He has always been somewhat intrigued with Ants. He even had an Ant farm for a while. Whenever he saw an ant, that of course we would want to kill, he would yell, no that's my pet! Do not kill the ant pets! So last night, there was an amazing mass of ants at the entrance to the garage. I went inside and said, "Hey Brenn, come and see these ant pets!" Out he ran (my son who hates going outside) What I found is...he's still intrigued with ants...

I appreciate his low
maintenance 'pets' :) And I appreciate his uniqueness.
Ok, so let me apologize that this post has a million different topics, but I have so much I wanted to share...the girls are busy
ramping up for softball and wanted to practice last night. Of course a softball was no where to be found....but Kristina did find this...
Ok Sarah, I know your freaking out right now...yes that is the
ipod frog thing we bought at 5AM or was it 4, the day after Thanksgiving....yes, we bought it, yes, I hid it well in the garage, and yes I forgot to give it to her for her birthday! I must say, however, that she was quite excited to find it yesterday. {sigh} She can plug her ipod into it and use it for external speakers, and the speakers have an LED light show....Cool! After finding that, I took this really sweet picture of Nina....

It's not often that I get a 'natural' looking picture of her, so I really love this one. Also, my poor
beeba suffers from terrible allergies and
eczema, and right now, her face isn't broken out too badly...Yup, this pics a keeper!
Ok, only 3 more topics! Are you still following along? :) I have this float/sink 'shaky' toy on my desk at work that all the kids love. Here is my baby Emma yesterday, trying to look at me through the 'shaky thing' (That's what her brother Ethan has affectionately named the toy)
It was so sweet just to watch her look at the tube, and try to see me through it. I'm a bit weird that way in that I could watch kids learn and explore all day!
As Mother's Day is on the horizon, I told my kids I would like to install a Mother's Garden and for Mother's Day I would like them each to pick out a Rose Bush that they feel represents them. I am so excited to finally get this project underway. About 8 years ago I planted the tree and a shrub to anchor the planting, but have never gotten around to installing the, that's another project for May. When I was little, we would go to the garden store and buy my Mom her flowers for Mother's Day to plant in the yard. That, to this day, is one of my fondest memories; working in the yard with my Mom, and finally being old enough to plant flowers, not just pull weeds :) A few years ago, my kids got me this
It's a beautiful Bradford Flowering Pear tree, and it blooms every year at Mother's cool is that? I can't believe how fast it's grown AND how beautiful it is this year. So many of the pear trees were damaged or broken off by the heavy snow this winter, but mine is more beautiful than ever. Isn't God amazing? He surrounds us with such beauty everyday. As my kids like to say... "Nice work God!"
arrived in the mail. Although I have only glanced through it briefly, I believe I will have to make all 50 pages in this book! I really love Lisa Bearnson's work and her insight into her family and herself. Although I am no longer Mormon, I was Mormon through my teenage years, and still feel a special bond with many of their practices. Lisa is raising a Mormon Family and I love to read her excerpts. Tonight Kristina has a 2 hour softball practice...where you will find my nose planted in this book!
Until next time...
1 comment:
I 'll begin with the begining.
The Basketball hoop. I think my husband would have leave it just as it was, waiting for it to fall by itself! Sawing it isn"t the worst part of the work. The cement base! that's hard work. Maybe, your husband could saw it at the base? Maybe, you can fixe a new letter box? but don't leave Bluey here, he looks so sad and pitiful! : ) He is so cute, grey, no? very elegant!
Brennan and its ants. Be careful to what you say, I'm just like him!
In the winter, I used to take in my lemon tree, and other plants which can't stay outside.
And at the begining of Spring, appears little ants along an imaginary road in the apartment! We get squatters! I took them on a paper sheet to put them outside! I don't know if I can be proud of it, it's a little crazy, no? I couln't step on. A spider a mosquito, yes, but an ant, I try to avoid. Anyway, no more ants inside. You know, Jacque, there's a french writer who made a novel about the Ant society system, with ants as characters, very interesting and successful, He was a best seller!
Sarah's non-birthday present, I must admit I forget, sometimes, presents too, hidden somewhere. The surprise and the pleasure are bigger when the present reappears when we don't expect it. I've never seen an ipod speaker like this. I will answer my daughter if it exists here!
Nina is a gorgeous young girl, with a beautiful smile which illuminate her face.
I do know how little children are attracted by unsophisticated toys, or item. A floatpen, a spring, for instance.
"Nice work God" and nice present children. That's a good way to celebrate mother's day for ever.
And finally, I discuss with Cindy at her blog "small things" who is a LDS member, and it was the first time I meet a LDS. She's a beautiful mind, very kind person.
What a long comment for a long post! Have a good day, taking pictures for us.
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